
来源 :当代电视 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mile999
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近来,贴近平民生活、反映百姓日子的电视剧,甚得人心,普遍叫好。应该说,这是一种好现象,是电视剧创作的一种时代性进步。有文章论此道:“进入90年代,中国电视剧的面貌转向是人所共知的,从宏大的历史主题和教育意图到更加生活化和实际化,已然实现了以赢得百姓掌声为方向的创作走向……人们可以在悠然自得的心态中享受自己平视角度的生活剧,在艺术化的氛围中体味家长里短的韵味、欣赏父母姐妹的情感波折。平民化的创作走向是世纪末从电影到电视、以至不同传媒的共同特点,它是大众文化时代的召唤,是落脚于个人感受的时代 Recently, the television series, which is close to the civilian life and reflects the common people’s life, enjoys popular support and is widely applauded. It should be said that this is a good phenomenon, a kind of epoch-making progress in the creation of television series. There are articles on this road: "Into the 90’s, China’s TV shows the turn of the face is well known, from the grand theme of history and educational intentions to more life and practical, has been achieved in order to win the applause of the people for the direction of creation Towards ... People can enjoy their own life-style drama in a leisurely mood, appreciate the short charm of parents in their artistic atmosphere, and enjoy the twists and turns of their parents, sisters and sisters. The trend towards the creation of common people is from movies to television and even from the end of the century The common feature of the media, it is the call of the mass culture era, is settled in the era of personal feelings
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