Integration of European and American culture in Henry James’s Works

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  【Abstract】: Henry James was exposed to the cultural influence of Europe at a very early age. James used his pen as a tool to investigate the best wat of treating these two cultures. He realized that the new culture was no longer a threat. The best of building American culture was learning from others and protect its own characteristics.
  【keyword】:Henry James integration conflict culture literature
  James realized the difference between the American culture and the European culture but he did not judge the advantage and disadvantage of them respectively. He tselected the most valuable parts of two cultures. And he tried to build an ideal model by integrating these elements. We can absorb the experience and lessons from other culture to enhance our own culture. His thought of the integration also showed in his works.
  In the process of building American culture, Americans cannot leave their American specificity aside. In Roderick Hudson, the miserable experience of the death of an American artist reveal a dilemma in which Americans give up wholly the American spirit and accepted European culture without judging leading a marginal identity crisis. In the novel, as soon as Hudson arrived in Rome, he was desperate to abandon his American identity and received European culture. Soon he fell in love with Christina Light and canceled the engagement with fiancée. These two represented distinguished symbols. Christina Light represented the advanced culture of Europe and the degeneration behind it. His fiancée represented the American puritanism like the strong sense of morality and firm faith. It was totally wrong for Hudson to abandon his American identity to cater for the Europe. Finally he was lost in European culture.
  Resistance of European culture was not an intelligent way to build American culture. Another novel is The American. Christopher Newman was a traditional American businessman. Newman was looking for a world different from the simple, harsh realities of 19th-century American business. But he insisted on his American identity and was reluctant to accept the new culture of Europe. He regarded America as a greatest country and followed American value system and national characteristics. The tragic ending of Newman reminded that the resistance of European culture was not an intelligent way to build American culture.
  Learning from the Europe and remaining personal characteristics was a wise choice. In The portrait of a Lady, Isabel Archer was an ideal representative of American in James’s mind. Different from Newman, Isabel was eager for learning new culture. She liked visiting museums and art galleries and absorbed the positive aspects of the European culture. As an American, Isabel was energetic, passionate and brave. But at the same time, she accepted the new culture to some extent.
  美国文学简史 常耀信 南开大学出版社
  美国文学史及选读学习指南 吴伟仁 北京大学出版社
  英美文学选读 主编张伯香 2000年版 外语教学与研究出版社
【摘要】:生态翻译学作为一门新兴跨学科理论,将达尔文的适应选择论应用于翻译研究,从生态学视角研究翻译,结合中国“天人合一”的经典智慧,论证和构建了“翻译即适应与选择”的翻译理论。本文从生态翻译学角度对李继宏先生的畅销译作《追风筝的人》进行分析,探讨译者如何在特定翻译环境下适应翻译生态环境,在翻译方法上实现语言、文化和交际的多维度转换。  【关键词】: 生态翻译学; 适应与选择; 多维度转换  文化
【摘要】:随着时代的变迁,从爷爷奶奶那一辈到现在,我们家庭的饮食状况与观念发生了极大的变化。本文通过对家庭成员进行访谈的方式想了解这些具体的变化及引起这些变化的原因。  【关键词】:时代;经济;饮食;观念  中国穿越了物质生活的不同层面,而让百姓体会最深的无疑是饮食的变迁,人类社会每前进一步,饮食往往相伴而行。那么这些变化具体是怎样的?引起这些变化的原因又有哪些呢?通过我与爷爷和妈妈两位家庭成员各
【摘要】:从古至今人类都试图飞过世间的千山万水,渴望越过成千上万各有悲欢离合的芸芸众生。然而无论科技怎样进步与发展,人类自身所具有的局限性与现代文明所产生的浮躁感使我们难以找寻到存在的意义,故文学产生于对远方的憧憬与向往。本文将结合文学作品探讨文本中的远方主题,感受灵魂在时空与精神世界中的放逐,及作家们不系之舟,心向远方的情怀。  关键词 时间远方;空间远方;精神远方  艺术是在人类对于远方的憧憬
【摘要】:声乐演唱自古以来都为音乐表演中最为普遍的,也是历史最为悠久的一种表现形式。本文旨在通过对声乐演唱当中文化修养所起到的重要作用进行剖析。  【关键词】:声乐演唱;文化修养  声乐演唱无论是从中国还是西方都属于起步最早的一种音乐表现形式,虽然社会制度不同,但对于音乐来讲都得到了长足的发展,这其中尤其以声乐为代表,发展的更为繁荣,西方在后来出现了专门的声乐理论书籍,并且音乐时间从古希腊古罗马时
【摘要】:档案工作在各级机关、事业单位以及其他组织中都有相关的机构、部门和人员进行管理,但是多年来却没有显著的进步,虽然一些新的科学技术手段也有所应用,但是成效并不显著,所以利用好新的技术实现科学化管理也是十分值得研究的。本文对档案管理实现科学化的重要性进行了简单概述,分析了档案管理中存在的问题,重点探讨了提高档案管理科学化水平的对策,旨在通过本文研究,为档案管理科学化发展提供有效帮助。  【关键
【摘要】:随着最近几年我国教育改革工作的不断深化,初中体育教学工作无论是从教学内容上还是从教学的形式上都有了十分明显的进步。其中体育游戏作为目前十分常用的一种新型的教学方式在初中体育教学中发挥了十分关键的作用。其不但能够营造出一个良好的学习环境,在提高教学质量方面也发挥了至关重要的作用。本文在论述的过程中就从体育游戏对于初中体育教学的应用进行了论述,希望对相关体育教师能够起到一定的帮助作用。  【
【摘要】:现如今,叙事学在戏剧当中得到了广泛的应用,在对各个戏剧作品叙事特色进行分析时,应当从叙事学的角度出发,以充分展现作品的叙事特色。文章就以《麦克白》这一戏剧作品为例,从叙事学视域下对其戏剧叙事特色进行探讨,以充分展现作者在戏剧作品创作上的深厚功力。  【关键词】:叙事学;《麦克白》;叙事特色  前言:在莎士比亚的一生中塑造了很多人物形象,其所创作的作品所呈现出来的也都是光鲜亮丽的社会图景,