Expression of Wnt-1,beta-catenin and c-myc in Ovarian Epithelial Tumor and Its Implication

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lucy
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Objective:To investigate the expression of Wnt-1,beta-catenin and c-myc in normal ovarian epithelial cell and malignant ovarian epithelial tumor.Methods:Immunohistochemical staining with SP method was conducted to identify the expression of Wnt-1,beta-catenin and c-myc in 18 samples of normal epithelial tissue and 34 cases of malignant epithelial tumor of ovary.Results:The expression rate of Wnt-1 and c-myc in malignant epithelial tumors was higher than those in normal epithelial cell(P<0.05).The abnormal expression rate of beta-catenin in malignant ovarian epithelial tumors was higher than that in normal epithelial cell(P<0.05).A significant positive correlation was found between Wnt-1,beta-catenin and c-myc in malignant ovarian epithelial tumor(P<0.05).A significant difference of expressions of Beta-catenin and C-myc was found between serous and mucinous tumors (P<0.05).Conclusion:The abnormal expression of Wnt-1,beta-catenin and c-myc might indicate the malignant transformation in ovarian epithelial tumors. Objective: To investigate the expression of Wnt-1, beta-catenin and c-myc in normal ovarian epithelial cells and malignant ovarian epithelial tumors. Methods: Immunohistochemical staining with SP method was conducted to identify the expression of Wnt-1, beta-catenin and c-myc in 18 samples of normal epithelial tissue and 34 cases of malignant epithelial tumor of ovary. Results: The expression rate of Wnt-1 and c-myc in malignant epithelial tumors was higher than those of normal epithelial tumors (P <0.05 ). The abnormal expression rate of beta-catenin in malignant ovarian epithelial tumors was higher than that in normal epithelial cells (P <0.05). A significant positive correlation was found between Wnt-1, beta-catenin and c-myc in malignant ovarian A significant difference of expressions of Beta-catenin and C-myc was found between serous and mucinous tumors (P <0.05) .Conclusion: The abnormal expression of Wnt-1, beta-catenin and c- myc might indicate the malignant transformation in o varian epithelial tumors.
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