Biomedical applications of shape-memory polymers:how practically useful are they?

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjfjh2008
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Shape-memory effect(SME) is the ability of a material to change its dimension in a predefined way in response to an external stimulus. Polymers that exhibit SME are an important class of materials in medicine, especially for minimally invasive deployment of devices. However, the rate of translation of the concept to approved products is extremely low, with mostly nitinolbased devices being approved. In this review, the general aspects of the different types of stimuli that can be used to activate SME are reviewed and sterilization issues of shape-memory polymer(SMP)-based medical devices are addressed. In addition, the general usefulness as well as the limitations of the shape-memory effect for biomedical applications are described. Shape-memory effect (SME) is the ability of a material to change its dimension in a predefined way in response to an external stimulus. Polymers that exhibit SME are an important class of materials in medicine, especially for minimally invasive deployment of devices. , the rate of translation of the concept to approved products is extremely low, with major nitinolbased devices being approved. In this review, the general aspects of the different types of stimuli that can be used to activate SME are reviewed and sterilization issues of shape- memory polymer (SMP) -based medical devices are addressed. In addition, the general usefulness as well as the limitations of the shape-memory effect for biomedical applications are described.
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