,A numerical study of contact force in competitive evacuation

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingofking1
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Crowd force by the pushing or crushing of people has resulted in a number of accidents in recent decades.The aftermath investigations have shown that the physical interaction of a highly competitive crowd could produce dangerous pressure up to 4500 N/m,which leads to compressive asphyxia or even death.In this paper,a numerical model based on discrete element method (DEM) as referenced from granular flow was proposed to model the evacuation process of a group of highly competitive people,in which the movement of people follows Newton’s second law and the body deformation due to compression follows Hertz contact model.The study shows that the clogs occur periodically and flow rate fluctuates greatly if all people strive to pass through a narrow exit at high enough desired velocity.Two types of contact forces acting on people are studied.The first one,i.e.,vector contact force,accounts for the movement of the people following Newton’s second law.The second one,i.e.,scale contact force,accounts for the physical deformation of the human body following the contact law.Simulation shows that the forces chain in crowd flow is turbulent and fragile.A few narrow zones with intense forces are observed in the force field,which is similar to the strain localization observed in granular flow.The force acting on a person could be as high as 4500 N due to force localization,which may be the root cause of compressive asphyxia of people in many crowd incidents.
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他叫周全,出生于一个贫困的农村家庭,今年13岁。小小年纪的他,用自信和乐观谱写着自己虽不炫目却实实在在的少年时代。  家庭贫困但乐观  周全的家在高安市的一个偏僻小山村,家里的生活条件比较差,全家人住在潮湿的旧瓦房里。爷爷奶奶早已不在人世,妈妈患有腰椎间盘突出,爸爸患有眩晕症,家里主要的经济收入仅靠几亩田地。周全打小就是一个懂事的孩子,上小学时,天没亮就起床,先叠好被子,然后扫地抹灰,再吃饭上学。
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