
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kathleen350191539
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Myxoid leiomyosarcoma (MLMS) of the vulva is a mesenchymal tumor with only five reported cases in the literature. We report an 85- year- old woman with a unilateral nonulcerating, painless vulvar mass. According to the patient, the mass slowly enlarged. Initial biopsies were benign. However, clinically, this lesion was suspicious for a soft tissue tumor. Therefore, the mass was removed by a wide local excision. Definitive histology revealed a myxoid leiomyosarcoma of the vulva. At present, 25 months after the operation, the patient is well with no sign of recurrence. Vulvar myxoid leiomyosarcomas are rare and can be confused with other benign or malignant tumors. It is important to be aware of this rare tumor variant, in order to plan appropriate treatment. We report an 85- year- old woman with a unilateral nonulcerating, painless vulvar mass. According to the patient, the mass slowly enlarged. Initial Biopsies were benign. However, clinically, this lesion was suspicious for a soft tissue tumor. Thus, the mass was removed by a wide local excision. Definite histology revealed a myxoid leiomyosarcoma of the vulva. At present, 25 months after the operation, the patient is well with no sign of recurrence. Vulvar myxoid leiomyosarcomas are rare and can be confused with other benign or malignant tumors. It is important to be aware of this rare tumor variant, in order to plan appropriate treatment.
合作学习作为已经在西方实践多年并且获得成功的教学理论体系,值得我们进行借鉴和应用,尤其是在新课程改革当中的语文课程更是需要这种教学模式,从而更好地进行教学思想的转变以及学生表现能力与合作能力的培养。  目前合作学习已经成为在近些年来取得巨大成功而且获得广泛认可的教学模式。而且通过近些年来的实践发现,合作教学的模式可以更好地调动学生的学习积极性以及更好地营造课堂的学习氛围,对于提高学生的心理素质以及
当前农民职业技能培训虽然取得了一些阶段性成绩,但深层次矛盾和问题日渐凸显,通过调研对实际工作中存在的问题进行剖析,提出相应的建议及对策。 Although some achievement