第6部山西蓝皮书 《山西资源型经济转型发展报告(2016)》出版!

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站在“十三五”发展的新起点,如何抓住最后关键窗口期,主动适应新常态,践行发展新理念,加快供给侧改革,提速创新转型,厚植增长新动能、结构新亮点、发展新优势,成为“十三五”山西发展的必然选择和重要任务。在山西大学中国中部发展研究中心主持,山西大学经济与管理学院、管理与决策研究所、资源型经济转型发展协同创新中心支持下,由李志强教授主编的《山西资源型经济转型发展报告(2016)》出版面世。《山西资源型经济转型发展报告》为全国第一部以“资源型经济转型发展”为研 From a new starting point for the development of the “13th Five-Year Plan”, how to seize the last key window, take the initiative to adapt to the new normal, implement the new concept of development, speed up supply-side reform, speed up innovation and transformation, Bright spots, the development of new advantages, become “Thirteen Five ” Shanxi development of the inevitable choice and important task. Supported by Shanxi University Central China Development Research Center, supported by Shanxi University, School of Economics and Management, Institute of Management and Decision-making, and Collaborative Innovation Center for Resource-based Economic Transformation and Development, Shanxi Resource-based Economic Transformation Development Report (2016), edited by Professor Li Zhiqiang, Published. “Shanxi resource-based economic restructuring and development report” for the country’s first “resource-based economic restructuring and development” as research
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