市场冷 路难行

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市场疲软生意难做,这是事实。这条曾经欣欣向荣的商业街已冷冷清清了。往日宾朋满座的餐馆少有顾客,那个大百货店虽缩小了铺面仍门可罗雀,一些新修铺面长期无人承租……。这里原有不少小工厂,也曾兴盛了一些年头,后因原材料涨价,“集团军”消费降温,产品失宠难以销售,已相继关停。就连那大一些的木厂、布厂黄金时代也一去不返,虽一再整顿,仍是跟不上时代发展,火红的市场远去,客户失落,产品积压,难以为继。由于市场疲软,那个原来满有气派的理发店也紧缩得只有一张座椅,店里虽摆个台球桌、小香烟摊,仍生意清淡,那位从小在此美发 It is a fact that the market is weak and difficult to do business. This once thriving commercial street has been deserted. In the past, there were few restaurants full of guests, and the big department store, although it has reduced the number of paved shops, remains unmanageable. Some newly renovated pavilions have long been unoccupied. Here a lot of small factories, also had flourished for some years, because of raw material prices, “Group Army ” consumption cooling, the product off-line difficult to sell, have been shut down. Even the larger wooden factories and the golden age of cloth factories have gone forever. Although they have been reorganized again and again, they still can not keep up with the development of the times. The fiery market is far away, customers are lost and the backlog of products is unsustainable. Due to the weak market, the original full-hairdressing barber shop was also tightened to have only one seat. Although there was a billiard table and a small cigarette booth in the shop, the business was still light.
AfterthereportofdinosaurfootprintsintheEarlyCreta ceousin 2 0 0 0 (Lietal.,2 0 0 0 ) ,wefollowedtounearth ,investi gateandresearchthefootprin AfterthereportofdinosaurfootprintsinthearlyCreta ceousin 2 0 0 0 (Lietal., 2000), wefollowedtounearth, investi g
在“Chinaplas 2008国际橡塑展”北京新闻发会上的讲话中国塑料加工工业协会会长全国塑料制品标准化技术委员会主任委员中国塑协专家委员会主任廖正品先生致辞2008年3月6日中
In this paper the tectonic deformation framework, lithosphere structure, spatial and temporal coupling deformation in the Qinhai-Tibet plateau and its outer for