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十九岁的窦靖童第一张原创专辑《Stone Cafe》出来了,基本上不用做任何宣传,王菲与窦唯的粉丝立马奔走相告,分分钟就窜上了人气排行榜第一位,前两年出单曲牛刀小试,就让很多人大呼过瘾,等到专辑来解渴,必须痛饮。这是一张“电气化”色彩浓重的专辑,电子流行、独立摇滚风格混搭,迷离,低调,时尚,符合大家对天后之女的期待。有人赞,就有人弹,这张专辑也会让期待太高的部分乐迷失望。专辑制作还算精道,旋律好 Dou Jing Tong, 19, first original album “Stone Cafe” came out, basically do not have any publicity, Faye Wong and Dou Wei fans flew in advertising, minute on the channel went up in popularity charts, the first two years Out of a single chopper small test, let a lot of people hooked, until the album to quench their thirst, you must drink. This is a “electrification ” strong color album, electronic pop, independent rock style mix and match, blurred, low profile, fashion, in line with the expectations of the woman of the sky. Some people like it, there was a bomb, this album will let disappointed some fans expect too much. Album production fairly fine, good melody
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