The Principle of Risk—Taking in English Language Learning and Teaching

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xushaowei20092009
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  【Abstract】H. Douglas Brown introduces twelve principles of second language learning which have given teachers great insights into their language teaching. In the paper, the emphasis is put upon the principle of risk-taking and its classroom applications. The aim of the thesis is to elaborate upon how the principle is applied in language teaching.
  【Key words】the principle of risk-taking; language teaching; classroom applications
  1. The principle of risk-taking
  One of the prominent characteristics of good language learners, according to Rubin and Thompson(1982), is the ability to make intelligent guesses. That is to say, successful language learners, in their realistic appraisal of themselves as vulnerable beings yet capable of accomplishing tasks, must be willing to become “gamblers” in the game of language, to attempt to produce and to interpret language that is a bit beyond their absolute certainty. (Brown, 2002) There are several factors that influences learners’ risk-taking level. The first one is self-esteem. Those with high global self-esteem is not daunted by the possible consequences of being laughed at. Therefore, they are more likely to take certain risk to try out language, to venture a response. The second factor is motivation, theoretical implications are “that performance level should be greatest uncertainty about outcome” and people with strong motive to achieve should prefer immediate risk whereas those with strong motive to avoid failure will prefer easy tasks or extremely difficult and risky tasks. The third one is tolerance of ambiguity put forward by Budner(1962), which means that learners hold a positive attitude to certain knowledge that they are not sure. Thus, learners with a high ambiguity tolerance is likely to accept uncertainty with ease. Other factors such as learners’ attitudes towards mistakes, the level of affective filter also affect learners’ risk-taking level.
  2. Putting the principle into language teaching practice
  As mentioned above, risk-taking is an important characteristics of good language learners. Therefore, teachers can take some measures to encourage students’ risk-taking.
  (1) Create an atmosphere in the classroom that encourages students to try out language, to venture a response, and not just to wait for someone else to volunteer language. For instance, teachers can organize varieties of group work and games to provide every student opportunities to try out language. At the same time, return students’ risky attempts with positive affirmation, praising them for trying. Here, my own English learning experience is the case in point. Before I entered into college, my oral English was quite poor. I was even unable to express myself clearly. But in every oral English class, our teacher organized many activities to encourage us to talk. Whenever we expressed our opinions, he praised us sincerely. Therefore, whenever there was a chance that I could speak English, I would catch it. After one year’s learning, I was able to communicate with foreign teachers. My case shows that creating the atmosphere for students to take risk is important. Besides, risk-taking helps one to learn language successfully and makes one more confident.   (2) Help your students to understand what calculated risk-taking is lest feel that they must blurt out any old response. A learner might too bold in blurting out meaningless verbal language that no one can quite understand. Thus, as a teacher, you should guide your students to make willing and accurate guesses. In this way, their language learning can be improved.
  (3) Provide reasonable challenges in your techniques-make them neither too easy nor too hard. If a task is too easy, learners even need not to guess that they can get the answer without any effort. But if a task is too hard, no matter how hard they try, they can not get an answer which certainly will make students lose their interest and confidence.
  [1]Atkinson,John W.(1957).Motivational determinants of risk-taking behavior[J].Psychological Review,part1(6):359-372.
  [2]Brown,H.Douglas.(1994).Principles of Language Learning and Teaching[M].Third Edition.Prentice Hall Regents.
  [3]Brown,H.Douglas.(2002).Teaching by Principles:An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  [4]Budner,S.(1962).Intolerance of ambiguity as a personality variable.[J]Journal of Personality,30(1),29-50.
  [5]Rubin,J and Thompson,I.(1982).How to Be a More Successful Language Learner.[M]Boston:Heinle and Heinle Publishers.
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