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五月下旬在倫敦舉行的科學工協理事會年會中,通過了一串的重要决議,從這些决議中可以看出英國科學家對於政府制造戰爭的政策越來越感到不安。理事會會員要求政府和其他大國成立關於縮軍的協議,並且抗议政府縮減用於和平研究工作的經費。他們通過一項决议,督促废止集體毁滅性的武器,包含原子彈在內。理事會强調各國科学家密切合作之必要,對於想把協會和世界科學工聯分開的陰謀力加痛斥。李斯特科學院院長协会副主席麥克里安博士(Dr D.MacLean)說道:“在目前緊張的世界局勢之下,我們和蘇聯以及東歐科学家保持聯系,实为极端重要之事。” In a series of important resolutions passed by the SCI Board of Governors in London in late May, it can be seen from these resolutions that British scientists are becoming increasingly uneasy about the government’s policy of making wars. Council members demanded that the government and other big powers set up an agreement on the military withdrawal and protest the government’s reduction of funding for peace research. They adopted a resolution urging the abolition of a collective and devastating weapon, including the atomic bomb. The Council stressed the need for close cooperation among scientists from all countries and denounced the conspiracy to separate the Association and the World Federation of Science and Technology. Dr D. MacLean, vice president of the LISCO Dean Association, said: “It is extremely important that we maintain contact with scientists in the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe in the current tense world situation.”
Objective:To highlight the spectrum of clinical manifestations,labs,complications,treatment and outcome of brucellosis.Methods:Retrospective study was conducted
我以极其愤怒的心情,严厉声讨邓拓、吴晗、廖沫沙等反党反社会主义的滔天罪行。 邓拓,你们这伙黑帮打着假红旗,反对真红旗,被著马列主义外衣,反对毛泽东思想,恶毒地攻击党的
Objective:To investigate the prevalence of use of traditional medicines amongst patients with HIV infection receiving therapies of antiretroviral(ARV) drugs at
Objective:To assess if microhaematuria and proleinuria as measured by reagent strips could estimate intensity of Schistosoma haematobium(S.haematobium) infectio
Dear editor, In the recent years growing evidence on the involvement of human matrix metalloproteinases(MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases(TIMPs)
同志们,同学们,红卫兵战士们: 为了搞好无产阶级文化大革命,你们从全国各地,来到北京,来到我们伟大的领袖毛主席身边。你们辛苦了! Comrades and students, Red Guards sold