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2月初,中国最大的互联网搜索公司百度正式启动国际化战略,宣布将于2007年进军日本搜索市场,并发布日文搜索服务,与Google及雅虎等巨头在海外展开竞争。百度董事会主席兼首席执行官李彦宏透露,进军日本的时间表还在制定之中,但公司已开始聘用日本员工,百度驻东京分部也在筹建中。据悉,继日本之后,百度还将进军亚洲其他市场。 In early February, Baidu, China’s largest Internet search company, officially launched its internationalization strategy and announced that it will enter the Japanese search market in 2007 and launch a Japanese search service to compete overseas with giants such as Google and Yahoo. Li Yanhong, chairman and chief executive officer of Baidu, disclosed that the timetable for entering Japan is still under development but the company has started hiring Japanese employees and Baidu’s Tokyo branch is under planning. It is reported that, following Japan, Baidu will also enter other markets in Asia.
奥维tt 查询号190美国奥维系统公司近日推出新一代UP.Browser微浏览器,产品包括WAP版Openwave移动浏览器和通用版Openwave移动浏览器。两种版本的奥维移动浏览器均配有直观图
Using the dataset provided by the Smithsonian Institution’s Global Volcanism Program, we have extracted the large volcanic eruptions(volcanic explosivity index
本文通过“高等医药院校信息查询系统”的研制 ,介绍使用 Active Server Page(动态服务器主页 )制作动态站点内容的设计方案 ,并对 ASP技术的要点进行分析。 This article i
王敬羲的小说不同于香港文坛五、六十年代的难民小说和通俗小说 ,它通过对平常生活中普通人 ,尤其是小职员、小市民的心理描写 ,传达普通人对城市生活的体验和感悟 ,为香港纯
目的 探讨慢性硬膜下血肿的临床特点、影像学改变及预后。方法 对 52例初诊为脑血管病的慢性硬膜下血肿的临床表现、CT与MRI等资料及预后进行分析。结果  52例初诊为脑梗
目的:观察 CO_2与无水酒精作为囊肿固定剂的疗效,比较肝、肾囊肿经皮介入治疗疗效差别。22例单纯囊肿,其中肝囊肿14例,肾囊肿8例,采用经皮穿刺抽吸囊液后,注入固定剂 CO_2或
Based on the data published by authorities in People’s Daily,to meet the domestic primary energy need of 4.4bntons of standard coal in 2020,the energy elastic