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如今,你要是没有QQ、微博、微信,是可以瞬间上头条的,无数人会瞪大眼睛,用关注真人秀全程直播的盛况来围观你这个从远古穿越而来的怪物,是怎样安然度过一天而没有崩溃发疯的。我当然不能免俗,除了这三大件,我还有一个MSN账号、两个手机号、三个常用邮箱。刚毕业那两年,同学、朋友都在QQ上,所以QQ空间用得比较多,来来往往的大多是同学,大家一边追忆刚刚结束的校园生活,一边各自展开个人秀,找到工作的秀单位福利,还在找的秀简历,秀Offer;家庭条件好的特立独行一点,秀旅行见闻,秀各地纪念品,家庭条件不好的秀努力,秀加班时办公室的灯光。总之,QQ群和QQ空间就是一个舞台,每个人无论活得多么艰难与不堪,也要粉墨一把。大家的起点相同,谁愿意输给谁呢?又不是考试,拼的是记性和运气。后来,秀场上的主题慢慢变成了恋爱秀、婚纱秀、甜蜜秀,乱花过眼,总还有点热闹和趣味。可再接下来就不行了,从几个一毕业就结婚的同学开始,他们轮番秀起了宝宝。这个秀完全掀开了崭新的一页,他们每天毫无征兆、没有规律地疯狂上传各种婴幼儿写真、生活照和视频。于是,从群里和电话里被拽去围观就成了家常便饭,顺手评论几句也就算了,点赞也不用花钱,可偏偏他们还参加各种宝宝秀的比赛——这要求就高了,要每天投票、刷屏、义务转发N个群,以达成同学的心愿。终于有一天我不胜其烦,落荒而逃来到微博。那会儿微博刚刚开始,人不多,可没清静多久,他们就后浪汹涌,在群里交换微博、建微群、要求相互转发.让一切一夜回到几年前。当微信风靡的时候,我知道那里肯定会涛声依旧,所以只开通了账号,没更新朋友圈。因为腻味的赞美说多了,耐心到底不够用,怎么办呢?世界就这么大,又没法自绝于新型社交圈,我只好在关注里拼命添加有深度的公知、有特点的愤青、关注现实的民间达人.我要用那些不断刷屏的正义呐喊和那些灰色现实来调和一下我对正能量过剩的不适。终于有一天,因为一条微博我咬牙关了屏幕,决定即使不关闭微博退出网络,也必须想办法吐槽一番,以缓解我即将崩溃 Today, if you do not have QQ, Weibo, WeChat, you can instantly headlines, countless people will be wide-eyed, watching the reality show full live coverage of this monster you come from ancient times, is how safe After a day without crashing crazy. Of course, I can not be free, in addition to these three pieces, I also have an MSN account, two phone numbers, three commonly used mailboxes. Just graduated that two years, classmates and friends are on the QQ, so QQ space used more, most of the coming and going are students, everyone while recalling the just-concluded campus life, while each individual show, find a show of work units Welfare, still looking for the resume, show Offer; good family conditions Maverick, the show travel insight, show all over the souvenir, poor home conditions show the show, the show office lights overtime. In short, QQ group and QQ space is a stage, no matter how hard and unbearable each person, but also a fine. The same starting point for everyone, who is willing to lose it? Not the exam, fight is memory and luck. Later, the theme of the show slowly turned into a love show, bridal show, sweet show, overcrowded, always a little fun and fun. It can not be done anymore, starting with a few graduating students who are married, who turn their baby up. This show completely opened a new page, they have no signs every day, there is no law to upload a variety of crazy infant pictures, life photos and video. So, from the group and the phone was dragged to the crowd became a routine, easily comment a few no problem, praise do not have to spend money, but why they also participate in a variety of baby show competition - this requirement is high , To vote every day, brush screen, the obligation to forward N groups, in order to reach the students’ wish. Finally one day I am upset, fled to microblogging fled. Microblogging that moment has just begun, few people, no quiet how long, they wave after wave, in the group exchange microblogging, micro-group built, asked to forward each other. Let everything back a few years ago overnight. When the WeChat swept the time, I know there will be still sound waves, so only opened an account, did not update the circle of friends. Because of the grumpy compliments, how to do it? The world is so big that it is impossible to surrender to new social circles. I had no choice but to desperately add in depth depth of well-known and characteristic cynics, paying attention to reality I want to reconcile my discomfort with excess energy with those constant shouts of scrambling and those gray realities. Finally one day, because a microblogging I bite off the screen, decided not to shut down microblogging network, but also have to find ways to Tucao to ease my imminent collapse
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