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当盆内菌窝表面出现纷飞蚁洞的泥团,打开备好的控制繁殖蚁逃走的瓶子瓶塞,在瓶内涂入适于白蚁利用的酸性红土泥浆,瓶壁上的小孔也填满泥土。水份含量在50%左右时把瓶口靠在菌窝的纷飞蚁孔上,使瓶成竖立状,让繁殖蚁爬进瓶内,留用的条形小孔不能被泥堵住,白蚁把条形小孔堵住时不宜打开。当繁殖蚁大量在瓶内活动并形成了白蚁的主要活动范围时就可把瓶拿开,用瓶塞塞住瓶口。此瓶放入培养盆内收集繁殖蚁时,就用砂堵住培养盆上其它纷飞蚁孔。纷飞繁殖蚁数量太多或太少都会导致它们活动的面积太大或太小,多的活动面积就大,少的活动面积就小。如果纷飞蚁孔的数量产生的太多而且洞口处的泥团大说明繁殖蚁数量太多,很难使瓶内成为繁殖蚁的主要活动范围。把这样的繁殖蚁连瓶放入同窝的穴巢中部位置培养会很难使这样的繁殖蚁成活并产生蚁后,需要用更大的瓶子收集,此时要让纷飞繁殖蚁从培养盆内的某个纷飞孔飞走一部分。一般出现5个~8个左右纷飞孔有利瓶具收集繁殖蚁;减少培养盆内蚁巢上覆盖的泥土有利于收集繁殖蚁,且要在白蚁刚开始筑纷飞孔、少量活动时减少泥土。 When the swarms of swarm ant holes appear in the basin, open the prepared bottle corks that control the escape of the breeding ants, and paint the acid red earth mud for termites utilization in the bottle, and fill the small holes in the bottle wall soil. Moisture content of about 50% of the bottle mouth against nest swiftlet fly hole, so that the bottle into the erect shape, so that crawlers crawl into the bottle, the retention of the small holes can not be mud blocked, termites the article Shaped holes blocked should not open. When the breeding colony in a large number of activities in the bottle and the formation of termites the main scope of activities can take the bottle, plug the bottle stopper. When this bottle is placed in the culture bowl to collect the breeding ants, the sand is used to block the other flying ants in the culture basin. Fly too many or too few breeding ants will lead to their activities are too large or too small area, more activities area is bigger, less activity area is small. If the number of flying ants is too large and the number of mud mounds at the mouth is too large, it is difficult to make the bottle a major area of ​​activity for the breeding ants. It is very difficult for such breeding ants to be kept in the middle of the nest of the littermates to produce such ants, and the queens need to be collected in larger bottles. At this time, the breeding insects should be removed from the culture tub Fly some of the fly holes away. Generally appear around 5 ~ 8 fly hole beneficial bottle collect reproductive ants; to reduce the cultivation of the soil covered in the nest on the nest is conducive to the collection of breeding ants, and to start at the beginning of termites fly fly, a small amount of activity to reduce the soil.
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