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实验是高考中的重要内容,也是学生感到比较困难的内容.需要我们在平时的实验教学中抓住实验的重要落点开展训练,切实提升学生的实验素养,笔者将以2013年江苏省高考实验题为例予以说明.例1(2013江苏)某兴趣小组利用自由落体运动测定重力加速度,实验装置如图所示.倾斜的球槽中放有若干个小铁球,闭合开关K,电磁铁吸住第1个小球.手动敲击弹性金属片M,M与触头瞬间分开,第1个小球开始下落, The experiment is an important part of the college entrance examination, but also students feel more difficult .In the usual experimental teaching we need to seize the important landing experiment to carry out training, and effectively enhance the students’ experimental accomplishment, the author will be 2013 Jiangsu province entrance examination Example 1 (2013 Jiangsu) a interest group using free-fall motion determination of gravitational acceleration, the experimental device shown in Figure 1. There are a number of small iron ball placed in the inclined ball groove, closed switch K, solenoid suction Live the first ball.Manually hit the flexible metal M, M and the contact instantly separated, the first ball began to fall,
<正>Ⅰ.Introduction The present topic is of eminent importance.All the beneficial efforts of the Vienna Convention are likely to remain useless if the contracts
介绍了一种无位置传感器无刷直流电机驱动电路。通过检测绕组中转子位置的电势信号实现电子换相。对开关通断引起的脉冲进行处理 ,以消除位置信号的干扰。功放电路的控制逻辑
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目的探讨靶血管局部肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)对急性心肌梗死患者行急诊冠脉介入(primary percutaneous coronary intervention,PPCI)术后心肌灌注的影响。方法行急诊PCI术、