
来源 :中华女子学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kok671113
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2016年12月22日上午,中华女子学院体育部借庆祝成立十周年之际,召开以“女生·韵美·趋势”为主题的女生体育教育现状与发展对策研讨会。中华女子学院校长刘利群教授,教育部体育与艺术教育司卫生与健康教育处副处长刘海元教授,北京市大学生体育协会主席杜松彭出席会议并致辞。清华大学体育部张威教授,北京体育大学体育艺术系主任马鸿韬教授等做精彩的专题报告。来自首都经济贸易大学、中国传媒大学等多所高校的40余位专家学者与会。 On the morning of December 22, 2016, the China National Women’s University Sports Department held a seminar on the status quo and development countermeasures of the girl’s physical education with the theme of “Girls, Prosperity and Beauty” on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its founding. Professor Liu Liqun, President of China Women’s University, Professor Liu Haiyuan, Deputy Director of the Department of Health and Education, Sports and Art Education Department of the Ministry of Education, and Jun Song, Chairman of Beijing University Sports Association, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Professor Zhang Wei from Tsinghua University Sports Department and Professor Ma Hongtao from Sports Science Department of Beijing Sport University make wonderful special reports. More than 40 experts and scholars from universities and colleges such as Capital University of Economics and Business, Communication University of China attended the conference.
Sports participation is declining in many countries.The reasons for this decline may be associated,at least in part,with the ever-growing competition from onlin
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近期,上市银行2006年年报全部亮相。银行股业绩增长强劲,规模经济效应显露,银行业已经成为证券市场上毫无争议的“中流砥柱”。 Recently, the 2006 annual report of liste
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