
来源 :大连水产学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzhijian
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根据中国北方内陆盐水水域生物资源的调研材料 ,结合国内已有的报道 ,试对中国北方内陆盐水水域鱼类种类和分布做初步分析。在已掌握的 6 0多个水域资料中 ,有鱼生存的 2 1个盐水湖 ,盐度为 1 2 4~ 1 3 0 0 ,碱度为 3 0~ 44 5mmol/L ,pH 8 2 0~ 9 45。共见到鱼类 74种 ,隶属 8目 1 6科 ,其中许多是北方区、宁蒙区和华西区鱼类的指示种 ,也有华东区和华南区的代表种。各湖的鱼类种数在 1~ 2 7种之间 ,北方区和宁蒙区各水域鱼类区系的相似系数较高 ,新疆盐水湖鱼类种类组成较有特点。作者还讨论了盐度、碱度、pH等生态因子对鱼类的种类和多样性的影响 ,以及对盐水水域鱼类资源和多样性的保护利用方式。 According to the research materials of biological resources in inland saltwater waters in northern China and the existing reports in China, preliminary analysis is made on the species and distribution of fish in inland saline waters in northern China. Among the more than 60 waters already in existence, 21 lagoons are alive with fish, with salinities ranging from 120 to 4400 mmol / L and alkalinity ranging from 30 to 445 mmol / L, 9 45. There are altogether 74 species of fish, belonging to 8 orders and 16 families. Many of them are the indicator species of fish in Northern China, Ningmeng District and Huaxi District as well as the representatives of Eastern China and Southern China. The number of fish species in each lake ranges from 1 to 27 species. The similarity coefficient of fish fauna in the waters of the northern region and Ningxia-Mongolia region is relatively high. The species composition of the lagoon in Xinjiang is more characteristic. The authors also discussed the effects of ecological factors such as salinity, alkalinity and pH on the species and diversity of fish and the ways to conserve and utilize fish resources and diversity in saline waters.
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