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2001年8月7日、2002年4月28日和7月16日,江泽民同志分别在北戴河、中国人民大学、中国社会科学院就哲学社会科学的发展问题发表了重要讲话。这些重要讲话,高屋建瓴,统揽全局,强调了哲学社会科学在实现中华民族伟大复兴中不可替代的巨大作用,指出了我国哲学社会科学的性质、功能和任务,为新世纪我国哲学社会科学的发展指明了前进方向,是指导我国哲学社会科学发展的基本纲领。江泽民同志的重要讲话充分体现了党的第三代领导集体对哲学社会科学事业的高度重视和对加强理论创新的殷切期望。每一位哲学社会科学工作者都要认真学习领会江泽民同志的重要讲话精神,各级党委和政府要按照江泽民同志重要讲话的要求,关心哲学社会科学的发展。通过全党同志和全社会的共同努力,促进我国哲学社会科学事业的发展与繁荣。 On August 7, 2001, April 28, 2002 and July 16, 2002, Comrade Jiang Zemin delivered an important speech on the development of philosophy and social science in Beidaihe, Renmin University of China and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences respectively. These important speeches have been constructed in a high-rise building and the whole world has been taken care of. They have emphasized the irreplaceable great role of philosophy and social science in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. They have pointed out the nature, functions and tasks of our country’s philosophy and social sciences. In the light of the development of our country’s philosophy and social sciences in the new century Pointing out the way forward and guiding the basic program of the development of philosophy and social science in our country. Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important speech fully embodies the great importance attached by the third-generation leading group of the Party to the cause of philosophy and social sciences and ardent expectations for strengthening theoretical innovation. Every philosophical and social worker must conscientiously study and understand Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important speech. Party committees and governments at all levels should, in accordance with Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important speech, care about the development of philosophy and social sciences. Through the joint efforts of all the comrades in the party and the entire society, we will promote the development and prosperity of our country’s philosophy and social sciences.
(2009年3月25日)各位委员、同志们:现在,我受市社科联常委会委托,向大会报告2008年的工作,并对2009年工作提出建议,请予审议,并请与会领导和同志们提出意见。 (March 25, 20
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The aim of this study was to assess the preference of women with early pregnancy failure for treatment with misoprostol as compared to curettage. Study design: