Arguing in Favor of Childlike Innocence—A New Investigation Into ‘The Adult—Child’

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  Abstract : In The Disappearance of Childhood, Neil Postman feels worried about the appearance of the phenomenon of childified adults or adults being childified. First, the conception of childified adults will cause people to mistake that there is a distinction between the child and the adult. “It is not the fault of the two, but the problem lies in the fact that the entertainer, a social role created by the new media, has gradually taken the place of the two.
  Key words: Neil Postman; the disappearance of childhood;child, adult
  “Adultified children” and “childified adults” are a group of core conceptions that Neil Postman puts forward in The Disappearance of Childhood.He concluded that “social roles are determined by specific conditions of the information environment and believes that childhood and adulthood are both the results of an environment base on the media ecology standpoint.
  First, if we describe the disappearance of childhood and the disappearance of adulthood simply as infantalization of adults and adultification of children, this rude action is apt to give people a false impression: Children cannot be like adults and adults must get rid of all the characteristics of the child and be pure adults.
  That “a great man is one who does not lose the innocent heart of a child” is Mencius’ high praise of the heart of a child and the best summary of the relationship between children and adults. This thesis of Mencius’A great man can combine virtues with the heaven and earth, shines together with the sun and the moon, and follows the order of the four seasons. And he can got the bless of the god.”
  In a word, there are an immense number of books dealing with children and the Second, the general wording of the adultified children or the childified adults cannot summarize accurately the phenomenon and the cause of the disappearance of childhood. It can easily make people think that the disappearance of childhood is the result of simultaneous expansion of adults (literate people) or children and the mutual annihilation (See Figure 1).. As shown in Figure 2, the new media such as telegraph and television and the entertainer that the new media gives birth to are the arch criminals. It is the entertainer that has launched mad attack on “children” and “adults”, which has diminished the two to a great extent.
  As early as the middle period of last century, McLuhan revealed the huge power of the media to us. He resolutely denied the argument that the media is neutral represented by David Sarnoff and proposed his famous view that “the medium is the message”. That“the medium is the message means: Any influence of any media (i.e. any extension of man ) on individuals and society is produced by the characteristics of the medium itself. “Any extension of ourselves”, or more broadly, one could know nothing. As the medium directly determines our way of looking at the world, it will certainly have fundamental influence on every aspect of human society.   In a word, in the symbolic world of typography, an adult must first be a literate man. But all this changed in the electronic and video world. In 1837, the experiment of telegraph communication was successful for the first time, However, the image revolution that took place afterwards fundamentally shook the basis of the world of words. Images and words are opposite.
  Therefore, in this light, many philosophers mentioned in this article are consistent with Postman in that they are all determined to guard childhood. It requires a fundamental precondition to use childhood and the heart of a child as the ideological weapon to criticize current malpractice and ask people not to lose their valuable heart of a child and that precondition is a complete childhood that is not eroded. When childhood has broken up and fallen to pieces,and Wordsworth came to today, they would also feel sorry and sad for the disappearance of childhood as Postman does. Save childhood, which ought to be a consensus of everyone in our age.
摘 要:本文分析了当前高中政治教育案例教学法应用现状,指出了其中存在的问题,从依据内容选择恰当案例、保证学生教学主体地位、鼓励学生积极参与讨论三个方面,提出了提高高中政治教育案例教学法应用效果的对策,希望对相关工作有所裨益。  关键词:高中政治教育;案例教学法;现状;对策  高中阶段,学生面临较为艰巨的课业压力,导致学生极易对所学内容丧失兴趣。为此,在高中思想政治教育课上,教师应多采用案例教学法,
摘 要:职业技能竞赛对高校教学改革具有引领和促进的作用。文章分析参赛学生在技能竞赛过程中存在的诸多问题,并依此提出教学改革的建议。  关键词:技能竞赛;教学改革  物联网被称为继计算机、互联网和移动通信网络之后世界信息产业的第三次浪潮,因其广阔的行业应用前景而受到各国政府、企业和学术界的重视。近年来,物联网教学与人才培养方面的研究也得到了较快的发展。谢秋丽[1]等阐述物联网专业知识领域和知识点,探
摘 要:校企合作是大学生创业实训基地建设的重要方式,高校与企业的深度合作,是培养应用型,创新型实用人才的重要途径,在此前提下,石河子大学经济与管理学院与阿里巴巴共同建立了“天猫大学生创业就业实训基地”,高校与企业共同搭建创业平台,为在校大学生提供更多的实践机会,使校企合作的范围和广度达到了更深的层次。  关键词:校企合作;创业;实训基地;建设模式  在国家大力提倡大学生自主创业,并出台相应的大学生
摘 要:课程体系的改革与重构,是中等职业教育改革的关键,也是中职教育内涵建设的重要阵地,面对机电工程行业与制造业迅速向高端化、科技化的发展形势,职中机电工程专业应以培养复合性实用型人才的机电专业人才为目的,改革与重构兼具理论深度与实践力度的课程体系,以应对未来的机遇与挑战。  关键词:中等职业教育;机电技术人才  自改革开放以来,我国的中等职业教育逐渐发展壮大,中职教育以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向的
摘 要:英语语言技能包括听、说、读、写技能以及这四种技能综合运用能力。写作是中学生学习英语应该撑握的一项基本技能,也是中考中的一个重要题型。初中英语教师在教学中要更加注重学生的写作能力的培养与提高。  关键词:写作;意义;问题;对策  一、认识英语写作的意义  初中英语的写作难度并不高,可是提到写作,大多数学生都会对此充满畏惧情绪。平时碰上书面表达的练习,如果不是非写不可的情况,绝大多数学生都会把
摘 要:1795年,德国美学家席勒发表了《美育书简》,第一次在美学史上明确提出了“美育”的概念,《美育书简》被人们称为“第一部美育的宣言书”,在整个西方的美学发展史上占有独特的历史地位。  关键词:《美育书简》;席勒;游戏;自由  《美育书简》,也称作《审美教育书简》,是美学理论家席勒最重要的美学作品。在这部作品中,他第一次提出了“美育”的概念,标志着审美现代性的创生,他也凭借《美育书简》在美学发
摘 要:设计学和美术学都是两门有关艺术类的学科,两者既有交叉,也有所区别。有关这两个关键词关联的说法早就由来已久,当然也是仁者见仁,智者见智。本文就以两个学科的教育理念和前人对美术学和设计学留下的文字感悟为线索,分因果关系,对应关系和互补关系三个方面详细地讨论了时下美术学和设计二者间微妙的关系。  关键词:美术;设计;联系  有人说,“好的美术应用于实践就是设计,设计的终极目的需要用美术来表现”,
摘 要:随着我国经济的整体回落,越来越多的中小企业面临着巨大的风险。从风险来源的角度去分析,自身竞争力的不足是根本因素。在这样的背景下,发展中小企业的集群化模式能够使得中小企业产生一定的联合,并提升企业的综合竞争力,为企业的生存与发展提供基本的土壤。在具体的实现过程中需要政府、企业等多方面共同努力才能够为企业的集群化发展提供必要的空间。  关键词:中小企业;集群化;优势;实现  中小型企业是我国经
摘 要:壁画,顾名思义,就是人们直接在墙上进行绘画创作,因为它的自然性和文化传播性,人们称之为墙壁上的艺术。相传,壁画可以算作人类历史上最早的绘画形式之一,可就目前现状来看,随着社会越来越信息化,壁画的发展受到了不少的挑战,本文通过研究壁画的起源,历史的发展,以及人们未来对艺术的追求,多角度探讨壁画在我国的未来发展趋势。  关键词:壁画;未来;趋势  从近几年来看,壁画在我国的发展进入公众视线应该
摘 要:上世纪90年代,余华的创作风格慢慢走向革新,体现在了他小说的主题、语言等方面。他的语言风格包括表现手法、表达方式等方面都有了巨大的转变。从先锋回归现实,余华带给了我们一个新的文本世界,具有一定的文学史意义。  关键词:余华;后期小说;语言风格;革新  余华作品的叙事风格与语言特色一直是其作品中的一大亮点,余华的小说话语也成为文学界广泛讨论的话题。而在其小说作品转型之后,余华对前期小说作品中