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1 引言准确地预测传染病流行的发生时间,即对疾病在时间维上的分布作出准确的描述,对疾病的预防与管理均具有重大意义。理论流行病学方法的发展,已使得人们能够用数学模型来刻画传染病流行的数量变化过程。迄今所采用的数工具主要限于微分方程和概率统计方法。当把疾病在人群中的传播现为(确定性的)动力学过程时,就用微分方程去刻画它;当把它视为随机过程时,就用概率统计方法去描述之。然而,把疾病的传播与流行视为确定性的动力学过程,并据此去求出感染力等参数,就可能因疾病传播中的随机性而使预测结果与真实情形有较大的距离;而把它视为随机过程,则需要有关随机变量的概率分布的 1 INTRODUCTION It is of great significance to accurately predict the time of occurrence of an epidemic of infectious diseases, that is, to accurately describe the distribution of the disease in time dimension, and to prevent and manage the disease. The development of theoretical epidemiological methods has enabled one to use mathematical models to characterize the quantitative change in the spread of an epidemic. The tools used so far are mainly limited to differential equations and statistical methods of probability. When the spread of a disease in a population is a (deterministic) kinetic process, it is characterized by a differential equation; when it is considered a stochastic process, it is described by a statistical approach to probability. However, considering the spread and prevalence of disease as a deterministic kinetic process and deriving parameters such as infectivity based on it, it is possible that there is a large distance between the predicted result and the actual situation due to the randomness in disease transmission. And treat it as a stochastic process, you need the probability distribution of random variables
目的 对比探究雷公藤多苷联合小剂量泼尼松对老年原发性肾病综合征的临床疗效.方法 随机抽取我院2019年3月——2020年1月收治的70例老年原发性肾病综合征患者作为研究主体,利
  Teachers cannot help their students understand what they themselves do not understand.However, research has found that many high school chemistry teachers h
李树的冬季修剪是李园管理中的一项重要措施 ,其得当与否对李树的生育状况影响很大。为了探讨李幼树适宜的修剪程度 ,作者于1992~1998年对李幼树进行了不同修剪试验 ,其结果如下。1材料
探讨踇外翻畸形矫正术的手术配合.于跖骨头冠状沟外截除赘骨,切断踇收肌腱,松解踇趾腓侧软组织;于跖骨头下截骨缩短 2、3 跖骨.克氏针固定跖骨头;以摆动锯于第一跖骨行 Lardf
本文以流行病学方法调查了 24名铅作业男工并以年龄、吸烟、饮酒为均衡条件,配对调查了 24名正常男性的生殖功能。结果表明:铅作业组的尿铅浓度、先天性癲痫及先天性心脏病患病率、精子畸形率显著高于正常组。并讨论了铅作业组的精子计数和活力下降与精子乳酸脱氢酶和琥珀酸脱氢酶的活性均受抑制的关系。