改革求突破 管理争自强

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我公司始建于七十年代初,历经二十多年的建设,已发展成为湖北重点造纸企业,现有员工650人,固定资产6000万元,5条造纸流水线。在新旧体制更替期,我司也曾患过“市场不适应症”,生产经营一度连年亏损,累计负债高达3400万元。1994年,我司被列为崇阳县第一批改革试点企业,1995年初通过股份制改造,成立股份有限公司,新组建的领导班子转变观念,经过五年多的努力拼搏,走出了一条自我积累,自我发展的自强之路,实现了规模、效益、后劲三个同步增长。一是生产规模得到长足的发展,产量由1993年的4000多吨,增加到15000吨;产品结构调整,由原来单一的普通白纸板,发展到能生产多品种、特异型规格纸板,增强了市场适应性,留住了大批老用户,发展了一批新客户。二是经济效益迅速增长,由1993年的资不抵债1140万元,到1995年创利税1000万元,1996年获利润400万元,今年上半年六个月创利税380万元,其中实现利润185万元,经过五年的积累,不仅填平了历史亏空1140万元,而且新增所有者权益1850万元,连续五年盈利、利润总额连续三年居全省造纸行业榜首。几年来,彻底改变了靠贷款维持生产和交税的历史,在企业发展的同时,上交利税连年翻番,1995年上交165万元; Our company was founded in the early 1970s. After more than 20 years of construction, it has developed into a key papermaking enterprise in Hubei. It has 650 employees, 60 million yuan in fixed assets, and 5 papermaking lines. In the period of replacement of the old and new systems, our company had also suffered from “market inapplicability”, once the production and operation losses, and accumulated liabilities as high as 34 million yuan. In 1994, our company was listed as the first batch of reform pilot enterprises in Chongyang County. In early 1995, through joint-stock reform, the company established a company limited by shares. The newly formed leadership team changed its mindset, and after more than five years of hard work, it emerged a self-accumulation. The self-improvement path of self-development has achieved three simultaneous growths in scale, efficiency, and stamina. First, the scale of production has come a long way. The output increased from more than 4,000 tons in 1993 to 15,000 tons. The product structure has been adjusted from the original single white paperboard to the production of multi-species, special-format cardboard, which has strengthened the market. Adaptability, retained a large number of old users, the development of a number of new customers. The second is the rapid growth of economic efficiency. From 1993, the insolvent capital was 11.4 million yuan. By 1995, the profits tax was 10 million yuan. In 1996, the profit was 4 million yuan. In the first half of this year, a profit tax of 3.8 million yuan was realized, of which profits were realized. 185 million yuan, after five years of accumulation, not only filled the historical shortfall of 11.4 million yuan, and the new owner’s equity of 18.5 million yuan, for five consecutive years of profit, total profit for three consecutive years in the province’s paper industry top. Over the past few years, the history of relying on loans to maintain production and pay taxes has been completely changed. At the same time as the development of enterprises, the profits and taxes paid have doubled in successive years. In 1995, they paid 1.65 million yuan;
护序号企业名称当期库存量一劣竺黔二霎二畏J序“享‘’}“草‘’}5二m 15蕊{丫!”企业名称当期库存量主要产品销售价格,元/箱 数量万重量粗同比,%3mnl平smm平浮smm彩smm平均
序号企业名称当期库存量主要产品销售价格,元/箱l匡企业名称当期库存量主要产品销售价格,元/箱 数量万重量箱同比,%3nll”平smm平浮smnl彩smm平均 价 数量万重量箱同比,%3mm
1 保定用户王洪上英特网投诉:1997年8月1日,他在北京安特明公司购买了一台恒升SLIM-1型笔记本电脑,买回后发现显示屏有坏点,经调换,仍有坏点。1998年4月,王洪再次携机要求保
本文阐述信息、信息战及信息战中使用的信息技术。提出了信息战中的卫星信息系统及其抗干扰手段。论证了它在信息战中的地位和作用。 This article describes information,