
来源 :天津农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:socks2010
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以马铃薯试管苗的单芽茎段为组织培养材料,研究含不同浓度除草剂Basta和不同浓度抗生素Hygromycin培养基对马铃薯试管苗生长状况的影响。结果表明,除草剂Basta对马铃薯试管苗的筛选浓度为0.6~0.8mg/L;潮霉素Hygromycin对马铃薯试管苗的筛选浓度为7~10mg/L。除草剂Basta和潮霉素Hygromycin联合使用对试管苗具有极强致死作用,不宜联合使用。 The effects of different concentrations of herbicide Basta and different concentrations of antibiotics Hygromycin on the growth of potato plantlets were studied by using single shoots of potato plantlets as tissue culture materials. The results showed that the screening concentration of herbicide Basta on potato plantlets was 0.6-0.8 mg / L and the screening concentration of hygromycin on potato plantlets was 7-10 mg / L. The combination of herbicide Basta and hygromycin Hygromycin has a strong lethal effect on the test tube seedlings and should not be used in combination.
通过对荷兰微型黄瓜栽培过程中生长习性的观察,总结出一套适于华北地区高产高效春茬栽培管理技术,对微型黄瓜的生产有一定的指导意义。 By observing the growth habit of t
目的 探讨人性化护理在冠心病(CAD)合并心绞痛(AP)中的护理效果.方法 选取109例CAD合并AP患者,均运用人性化护理模式进行护理,观察比较本组患者护理前后的西雅图心绞痛量表(S