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  英语中,有时为了讲话或行文的简洁,有些句子的成分通常情况下可以省略。 但是同学们在口头或书面表达时,可要注意不能随意省略。最好要根据中学课本,使用教材当中讲过的重点结构。 下面就常见的省略现象加以归纳并逐一分述:
  要点一 省略主语
  (2009年湖南卷)Please do me a favor —  my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.
  A.to invite
  真题解析 C。此处是祈使句,省略了主语You。
  英语中省略主语的情况常出现在交际用语中。 如:
   (I) Thank you very much.
   (You) Have another piece of bread, will you? 再来一片面包,好吗?
  要点二 省略做宾语的不定式短语
  —Have you been to New Zealand?
  —No, Id like to, _______.
  真题解析 B。考查省略和副词的用法。意思是“不过,我想去”。
  —Would you like to go with me?
  —Id love to (go with you).
  —你愿意和我一起去吗? —愿意。
  注意: 如果宾语是be动词或完成时态,则要在后面加上be或have 。 如:
  —Is your sister a teacher?
  —No, but she wants to be.
  —你姐姐是老师吗? —不,但她想做。
  —I didnt tell him the important news yesterday.
  —No, but you ought to have.
  要点三 复合句中, 省略了一个从句或从句的一部分,用词或短语来代替
  (2009年江西卷)Some of you may have finished unit one. _______, you can go on to unit two.
  A.If you mayB.If you do
  C.If notD.If so
  真题解析 D。省略句的用法。 If so = If you have done that / so
  —Whats the matter with Della?
  —Well, her parents wouldnt allow her to go to the party, but she still _______.
  A.hopes toB.hopes so
  C.hopes notD.hopes for
  真题解析 A。此处but she still hopes to是but she still hopes to go to the party的省略。
  —Is it going to snow the day after tomorrow?
  —I dont think so. (= I dont think it is going to snow the day after tomorrow.)
  —后天会下雪吗? —我认为不会。
  要点四 在情景交际中,为了避免重复,常常省略句子中相同的某个或某些句子成分
  (2011年海南卷)—We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.
  —Yes, _______?Ill give them a call right now.
  A.why notB.what for
  真题解析 A。why not 是口语省略的用法,是Why dont we invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party?的省略。
  (2011年全国卷Ⅰ)—Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please?
  — _______?
  A.Who are youB.Im Wang
  C.SpeakingD.Are you John
  真题解析 C。speaking是This is Mr. Wang speaking.的省略形式?
  —Maria, will you please go and empty that box? 玛丽,你去把盒子倒空好吗?
  —What for? 干什么?
  要点五 虚拟条件句中的if 可以省略
  _______ earlier, you would have met him.
  A.If you comeB.If you did come
  C.Had you comeD.Did you come
  真题解析 C。虚拟条件句中if 的省略,构成“助动词+主语”的形式。
  考点透析 虚拟条件句中if 的省略,成了助动词在句子开头的倒装形式。 如:
  Were I you, I will go and help the blind man.
  = If I were you, I will go and help the blind man.
  如果我是你的话, 我就会去帮助那个盲人。
  Had he given up smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung.
  = If he had given up smoking, he would not have got cancer in the lung. 如果他戒烟的话, 他就不会得肺癌。
  要点六 省略主语或主谓语的一部分
  如:(Is there) Anything important in todays newspaper? 今天报纸上有重要的东西吗?
  Why(do you) not ask your teacher for help? 为什么不向你的老师求助?
  要点七 省略表语
  如:—Are you a middle school student?
  —Yes, I am (a middle school student) .
  —你是中学生吗? —是的。
  要点八 并列句中, 后一个句子中与前一个句子中相同的成分可以省略
   如:My father is a teacher and my mother (is) a doctor. 我父亲是老师我母亲是医生。
  My father works in a school and my mother (works) in a hospital. 我父亲在一所学校工作我母亲在一家医院工作。
  要点九 状语从句中的省略
  (2009年湖南卷)Every evening after dinner, if not _______ from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.
  A.being tiredB.tiring
  C.tiredD.to be tired
  真题解析 C。省略句式。在if引导的条件状语从句中,从句中还原应为if am not tired from work,根据省略的原则,所以答案选C。
  (2008年安徽卷)—Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?
  —Yes, _______, Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.
  A.If ever
  B.If busy
  C.If anything
  D.If possible
  真题解析 D。本题考查状语从句中的省略。在if引导的条件状语从句中,从句中还原应为If it is possible。
  (2008年福建卷)—Who should be responsible for the accident?
  —The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _______.
  A.as told
  B.as are told
  C.as telling
  D.as they told
  真题解析 A。本题考查状语从句中的省略。在if引导的条件状语从句中,从句中还原应为as they are told。
  1) 在时间,让步,方式,条件状语从句中,如果从句主语是it 或主句主语一致时,则从句中的主语和be动词通常省略。这种情况一般出现在when, while, winless, until, if, though / although 等引导的从句中,如:
  My sister started to learn dance when (she was) a child. 我姐姐孩提时就开始学舞蹈。
  While (she was) cooking, she got her fingers burnt. 做饭时,她的手指烫伤了。
  2) 在than, as 引导的比较状语从句中, 在不影响句子要表达的完整意义的条件下,从句中的成分可省略。如:
  He arrived here earlier than (he had been) expected. 他要比预料的到得早。
  I know you better than(I know) him. 我了解你胜过(我了解)他。
  3) 如果从句的主语是it,同时谓语系动词为be, 可以省去it 和系动词be。如:
  Once (it is) begun, it must be done well. 一旦开始,就必须做好。
  Write to me if (it is) necessary. 如果有必要,就给我写信。
  4) before 和after引导的从句无此用法。它们可以用做介词,后接名词,代词和动名词。如:
  误:Before (you are) reading the text, you should go through the vocabulary first.
  正:Before reading the text, you should go through the vocabulary first.
  正:Before you read the text, you should go through the vocabulary first. 在读课文之前,你应该先浏览一下词汇。
  误:After(you are)finishing the task, you may go and play the computer games.
  正:After finishing the task, you may go and play the computer games.
  正:After you finish the task, you may go and play the computer games. 完成任务之后,你们可以出去玩电脑游戏。
  1. —Did you get a ticket for the concert?
  —No, I _______, but there wasnt any left.
  A.had to
  B.managed to
  C.tried to
  D.decided to
  2. I don’t really want to make the appointment, but I suppose I _______.
  B.must have to
  C.willD.have to do
  3. —Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?
  — _______.
  4. —I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my pet dog.
  —Not at all. _______.
  A.I have no time
  B.I’d rather not
  C.I’d like it
  D.I’d be happy to
  5. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______.
  A.not to
  B.not to do
  C.not do itD.do not to
  6. —What’s the matter with John, Maria?
  —He didn’t pass the test but he still _______.
  A.hopes so
  B.hopes to
  C.hopes it
  D.hopes that
  7. —Is the professor from Nanjing University very sick?
  —I’m afraid _______.
  8. —You should have thanked her before you left.
  —I meant _______, but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.
  A.to doB.to
  C.doingD.doing it
  9. —Maria, will you please go and empty the bottle for me?
  — _______?
  A.What forB.What is it
  C.How is itD.How come
  10. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when   at the meeting by my boss.
  B.having questioned
  D.to be questioned
  11. —Do you think it’s going to snow tomorrow afternoon?
  — _______.
  A.I don’t believe itB.I don’t believe
  C.I believe not soD.I believe not
  参考答案:1. C此处是I tried to get one的省略表达。最符合语境。
  2. A 本题考查情态动词与省略。句子意思是:我真不想安排这种约会,但是恐怕我必须如此。Must表示“必须”。
  3. D 本题考查省略。此处是I don’t believe that it’s going to rain over the weekenD.
  4. D 本题考查省略。完整的句子应该是:I’d be happy to look after your pet dog.
  5. A 此处是tell sB.to do something的省略表达。
  6. B本题考查省略,此处是but he still hopes to pass it的省略。其他结构不对。
  7. A 此处是I’m afraid that he is very sick.的省略,此处so代替上文的情况。
  8. B 本题考查省略。此处mean to do sth表示“打算/计划做某事”。而mean doing sth则表示“意味着做某事”。省略时保留不定式符号to.
  9. A 此处what for 是口语省略的用法,是What are you going to use the empty bottle for? 类似于why。
  10. C.本题考查状语从句的省略。后半题干的意思是“但是当我被提出疑问时我撒了个谎”。
  状语从句恢复完整应为When I was questioned at the meeting by my boss.
  11.D。I believe not即I don’t believe that it’s going to rain over the weekenD.上述动词,肯定回答是:主语+动词+so;否定回答有两种:主语+动词+not或主语+助动词否定形式+动词+so,但“hope”否定回答只能说sB.hope not,不能说sB.don’t hope so。
“不要把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上”,是我们从小就常被教导的常识。虽然后来我知道,“建立在他者痛苦上的快乐”有时候是不得已,但我仍然相信更多情况下,这种快乐应该避免——比如消遣别人的眼泪,比如调笑别人的失意。  但在“北影哭泣姐”这一“网络爆红事件”中,我却看到了人们“齐心协力”地消遣着眼泪,调侃着痛苦。网民们对落榜哭泣姐夸张的哭相有众多高论:“就凭这特写没准儿能特招回去。” “她的表情明显在
上一篇文章中,我们介绍了文科生可以选择的专业范围,今天应理科生的要求,再和考生家长谈一谈理科生可以报考哪些专业。相对于文科生来说,理科生能选择的专业数量要多得多,范围也比较大,而且大多为技术型的专业,一些大众化的专业很多院校都会开设,招生人数也不少,就业相对比较容易。  约有270多种专业可选  为什么说理科生选专业的范围大呢?众所周知,所有理科类再加上文理兼收的专业,理科生都可以选择。在目前我国
材料作文的思路与结构和话题作文、命题作文等命题方式上其实没有特别大的差异,但因命题所供材料,在拟题和文章构思上还是稍有不同。就高考命题要求而言,思路和结构因作文选择的文体不同而有着较大差异,以下就议论和记叙两种文体作例谈:  【议论文写作构思】  材料作文的议论文思路关键在于要围绕材料有明确地角度进行论述,要层次清晰地展开论证,要脉络分明、井井有条地组织文段,最好能够以并列加递进的模式来呈现出层层
每年都有家长提同样的问题:“我孩子是文科生,能报考什么专业啊?”“听说文科生可选的专业比较少”“我们连有什么专业都不知道,怎么帮孩子选专业呀?”  其实,每年考生报考前,拿到的《招生专业目录》就是按文、理科分类的(艺术类单分开),考生在报考时根据文、理《招生专业目录》上院校的招生专业、计划填报即可。但在没有拿到《招生专业目录》之前,考生家长可以先简单了解一下大致的学科专业门类,做一个简单的参考。 
内容梗概  哈姆雷特是丹麦王国一位年轻有为的王子,他有魄力、好思索、接近人民、对人类抱有美好的希望。他正在德国的威登堡大学学习,国内传来噩耗,父王突然惨死,叔叔克劳狄斯篡夺王位,母亲改嫁克劳狄斯。哈姆雷特回国奔丧,在一天深夜,他在城堡里见到了父亲的鬼魂,父亲的鬼魂告诉了他自己被害的经过:克劳狄斯趁老哈姆雷特在花园里午睡时,把致命的毒草汁滴进了他的耳朵,并使毒液流入他的全身血管,使他的身上起了无数疱
一、 审好题  审好题是写好文章的前提。一篇文章不管文字有多优美,行文有多流畅,如果审题上出了问题,肯定不会得高分。考生在2011江苏卷作文审题时,首先要审清图画内容,其次,要审清所给的文字提示,如要求写出“你的感想”和“怎样为家长减负”。如果考生將图画中人物描写成师生关系,写成如何为学生减负,就离题千里了。  二、 谋好篇  考生在提笔之前,应首先將文章的篇章结构谋划好。篇章结构要简洁、富有层次
热点素材呈现  It seems for the past few years, the news has been filled with stories of people who cheat: bankers bilking investors out of millions of dollars, politicians who cheat on their wives and const
考题呈现  请看一组2011高考英语短语动词试题:  1. (2011年福建卷)Born into a family with three brothers,David was to value the sense of sharing.  A.brought up  B.turned down  C.looked after  D.held back  2. (2011年海南卷)I c