
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhqr1981
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苏铁,又称铁树。基干粗壮直立,挺拔伟岸,羽状大复叶,厚革质,绿至深绿色,形似凤尾,坚挺苍翠,油碧生辉。盆栽后,虽体形变小,仍英姿勃勃,雄风不减,深得花卉爱好者的喜爱。但随着欣赏水平的提高,人们已不满足于单棵独植的盆栽,而将苏铁制作成各式各样的盆景,已日见普遍。不过,要制作出一盆好的苏铁盆景,同样需要细心构思,讲求意境。近年来,笔者利用手头获得的材料,培植制作了几盆苏铁盆景,现介绍如下:一、劈干式:笔者从市场上购得一株已部分枯朽的苏铁,干径约15cm左右,购回后用清水洗净,截去腐朽部分和烂根。为使干形苍劲,同时将树干劈去一角,然后,浸入1500倍托布津液中消毒。阴干后,再放入1500倍吲哚乙酸液中浸泡1~2小时,取出植入消过毒的微酸性沙壤土中(土沙配比约1:2)遮光保湿。约3个月后可发根,半年后顶部截断处可出现膨大吸芽;并逐渐形成小子球,长出叶片。以后加强培管,使树冠丰满。这样,约两年左右的时间,一盆劈干式苏铁盆景便呈现在面前。 Cycas, also known as Tieshu. Base thick sturdy, straight stalwart, plump large compound leaves, thick leathery, green to dark green, shaped like the tail, firm green, oil blue brilliance. After potted, although the smaller body shape, still heroic, unabashed, won the love of flower lovers. However, as the level of appreciation has increased, people are no longer satisfied with single-planted potted plants. It is now common that the cycad is made into various kinds of bonsai. However, to produce a pot of good cycads bonsai, also need careful thought, stress mood. In recent years, the author made use of materials obtained at hand to cultivate a few pots of cycads bonsai, are described below: First, split type: I purchased from the market a partially decayed cycads, dry diameter of about 15cm, buy back After washing with water, truncated truncated and rotten roots. In order to make vigorous dry, at the same time the trunk split to the corner, and then immersed in 1500 times Topotecan liquid disinfection. After being dried, the solution is immersed in 1500 times indole acetic acid solution for 1 to 2 hours, and then taken out of sterilized slightly acidic sandy loam soil (soil-sand ratio of about 1: 2) to block moisture. About 3 months after hair root, after half a year at the top truncated spout can be enlarged buds; and gradually formed kid ball, grow leaves. After strengthening the training, so full of tree crown. In this way, about two years or so, a basin of split-type cycads bonsai will be presented in front.
Straw is one of the richest renewable agricultural resource in China, and are usually used as organic fertilizer after fermentation.In the recent years, the str