Bedside chest radiography of novel influenza A (H7N9) virus infections and follow-up findings after

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fffia
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Background Influenza A (H7Ng) virus infections were first observed in China in March 2013.This type virus can cause severe illness and deaths,the situation raises many urgent questions and global public health concs.Our purpose was to investigate bedside chest radiography findings for patients with novel influenza A (H7Ng) virus infections and the followup appearances after short-time treatment.Methods Eight hospitalized patients infected with the novel influenza A (H7Ng) virus were included in our study.All of the patients underwent bedside chest radiography after admission,and all had follow-up bedside chest radiography during their first ten days,using AXIOM Aristos MX and/or AMX-Ⅳ portable X-ray units.The exposure dose was generally 90 kV and 5 mAs,and was slightly adjusted according to the weight of the patients.The initial radiography data were evaluated for radiological patts (ground glass opacity,consolidation,and reticulation),distribution type (focal,multifocal,and diffuse),lung zones involved,and appearance at follow-up while the patients underwent therapy.Results All patients presented with bilateral multiple lung involvement.Two patients had bilateral diffuse lesions,three patients had unilateral diffuse lesions of the right lobe with multifocal lesions of the left lobe,and the remaining three had bilateral multifocal lung lesions.The lesions were present throughout bilateral lung zones in three patients,the whole right lung zone in three patients with additional involvement in the left middle and/or lower lung zone(s),both lower and middle lung zones in one patient,and the right middle and lower in combination with the left lower lung zones in one patient.The most common abnormal radiographic patts were ground glass opacity (8/8),and consolidation (8/8).In three cases examined by CT we also found the patt of reticulation in combination with CT images.Four patients had bilateral and four had unilateral pleural effusion.After a short period of treatment the pneumonia in one patient had significantly improved and three cases demonstrated disease progression.In four cases the severity of the pneumonia fluctuated.Conclusions In patients with influenza A (H7N9) virus infection,the distribution of the lung lesions are extensive,and the disease usually involves both lung zones.The most common imaging findings are a mixture of ground glass opacity and consolidation.Pleural effusion is common.Most cases have a poor short-time treatment response,and seem to have either rapid progressive radiographic deterioration or fluctuating radiographic changes.Chest radiography is helpful for evaluating patients with severe clinical symptoms and for follow-up evaluation.
拉萨±400kV换流站是目前世界上海拔最高的换流站(海拔3 819m),是国家电网公司的一号工程。根据该工程标准高、工期紧、任务重、高寒缺氧等特点,为保证装修工程装饰效果,外墙
在中原大化, 有位名震国内阀门行业的全国技术能手——高建军.同时, 他还是全国煤炭行业技能大师、河南省首批省管企业拔尖人才.由他的名字命名的学习创新工作室, 也荣膺全国
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