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“科技成果转化难”是我国至今尚无满意答案的一大现实难题。中国科学院属研究所作为国家创新体系的重要组成部分,是知识创新、技术创新和科技成果转化的重要基地和源头,社会各界对科研院所寄予厚望,希望科技工作能“顶天立地”。“顶天”工作效果显著,在越来越多的科技领域达到了国际领先水平或国际先进水平。而“立地”工作效果仍然不明显,科技成果转化率偏低是一个不争的事实。在国家转变经济发展方式,调整经济发展格局的重要时期,在中科院启动实施“创新2020”这一新的历史阶段,中科院所属研究所科技成果转化面临着重大机遇,也存在着新的挑战,如何抓住和用好机遇、化解和战胜挑战,加快科技成果转化,对于建设创新型国家、实现研究所自身可持续发展具有极其重要的意义。 “Difficulties in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements ” is a real problem that our country still has no satisfactory answer so far. As an important part of the national innovation system, the Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences is an important base and source of knowledge innovation, technological innovation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. All walks of life have great hopes for scientific research institutes and hope that scientific and technological work can be “top-down.” “Top Sky ” has a remarkable effect and has reached the international leading level or the international advanced level in more and more fields of science and technology. However, the work effect of “site ” is still not obvious, and it is an indisputable fact that the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements is low. During the crucial period of the state's transformation of its economic development mode and adjustment of its economic development pattern, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of the institute affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences under the new historical stage of “Innovation 2020” initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is facing great opportunities and new challenges How to seize and take advantage of opportunities to resolve and overcome challenges and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements are of great significance to the construction of an innovative country and the realization of the Institute's own sustainable development.
森林里,有一家很大很豪华的酒店,是狐狸兄弟开的。但是,酒店最近的生意一落千丈,因为酒店的厨师把有毒的调料放到菜里了,一名顾客中毒死了,厨师被狮子捕头抓进了死牢里。 In
从小到大,去医院的次数不少,打针的经验也不陌生。但是一听到老师宣布:“等一下到保健室打预防针。”“喔!”全班的情绪顿时掉到谷底,我也是坐立不安。 From small to large
今年 3月 ,《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》(以下简称《中国人民银行法》)颁布实施五周年了。随着金融改革开放的进一步深入 ,国家专业银行向商业银行转轨 ,各种股份制商业