
来源 :实用预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sishenzhichi
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目的探讨2010年北京市海淀区手足口病的流行病学特征,为手足口病防控提供科学依据。方法对海淀区2010年手足口病病例建立数据库,进行统计学分析。结果 2010年,海淀区报告手足口病病例6 280例,发病率为230.63/10万;高发地区为流动人口较聚集的农村和城乡结合部地区;发病高峰为5-7月份;发病年龄主要集中在1~5岁,本地人口病例中托幼儿童较多,占发病人数的49.27%,外来人群病例中以散居儿童为主,占发病人数的62.11%;病原学监测以EV71为主,占47.92%;大部分手足口病例均会在发病当天或发病第2 d及时就诊,本地人群发病的就诊及时性要好于外地人群。结论 2010年北京市海淀区手足口病发病有明显的地区性、季节性及人群差异,预防控制策略应考虑手足口病的高危人群和季节性发病高峰。 Objective To explore the epidemiological characteristics of HFMD in Haidian District in Beijing in 2010 and provide a scientific basis for prevention and control of HFMD. Methods To establish a database of HFMD cases in Haidian District in 2010 and make statistical analysis. Results In 2010, 6280 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease were reported in Haidian district, with an incidence rate of 230.63 / lakh. In areas with high incidence of migrants, there were more rural areas and urban-rural areas where the floating population was concentrated. The peak incidence was from May to July. The age of onset was mainly concentrated In the age group of 1 to 5 years old, there were more child-bearing children in the local population, accounting for 49.27% ​​of the total number of cases. Most of the foreign population were scattered children, accounting for 62.11% of the total number of cases. The etiological surveillance was mainly EV71, accounting for 47.92% %; Most hand-foot-mouth cases will be on the day of onset or onset of the first 2 days of treatment, the local population onset of timely treatment is better than the field population. Conclusion The incidence of HFMD in Haidian District of Beijing Municipality in 2010 is obviously different from that in other areas. The prevention and control strategies should consider HFMD and seasonal peak of HFMD.
目的 评估2020年5月刚果民主共和国第11轮埃博拉病毒病疫情对我国的影响,为有关部门防控疫情输入提供有针对性的建议和措施.方法 采用专家会商法研判埃博拉病毒病疫情输入我
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