
来源 :安徽省人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jyj910
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为密切结合当前工作,进一步开展反官僚主义斗争,我们在召开办文、办报、研究等条条座谈会与派出检查组重点检查一个厅、市、专、县、区的秘书工作以后,于六日中旬召开了一次有省府各部门和各专、市办公室主任及肥东、肥西两县秘书共六十余人参加的秘书工作会议。会议认为:三年多来,秘书部门在执行自己的业务方面,是有成绩的,同时也获得了一些经验,为今后改进秘书工作打下了基础。但另一方面,通过这次新三反斗争中的检查,我们的官僚主义、文牍主义的现象还是很严重的。其主要表现是:一、公文数量太多,有些部门不仅太多,而且又长、又滥、又乱,简直使人望而生畏。省直机关去年一年即发出七万九千多件公文,最多的一个厅发了两万多件。滁县专署一个科,一天即收到各方面公文七、八十件之多;肥西县府一天即收到省府一个厅发去的公文二十件。有的动辄行文,而且行文必长,有一个单位为要一份报纸,竟写了三千五百余字的长信。甚至一厅之内,科封科行文,一市之内,厅对主席也用代电请示。公文上多、长、滥、乱的现象,已达到令人不能想像的地步。二、不估计实际情况和可能条件,乱发表格,乱要总结,引起下面很多混乱和不满。如有个厅一次即发下四十七种表格,其中有很多项目 In close connection with the current work, we further conducted the anti-bureaucratic struggle. After we organized the forums for organizing the texts, running newsletters, and research, and dispatched inspection teams to check the secretarial work of a hall, a city, a prefecture, a county and a district, In the middle of the sixth day, a secretary-general meeting attended by more than 60 people from all departments of the provincial government, heads of all municipal offices and offices of the Feidong and Feixi counties attended the meeting. The meeting held: Over the past three years, the secretarial department has made achievements in carrying out its own business. At the same time, it has also gained some experience and laid the foundation for further improvement of the secretarial work in the future. However, on the other hand, through our inspection in this new tripartite anti-war struggle, our bureaucratic and rhetorical phenomena are still grave. Its main manifestations are: First, the number of documents too much, some departments not only too much, but also long, indiscriminate, chaotic, simply daunting. Last year, the provincial authorities issued more than 79,000 pieces of official documents and the largest one issued over 20,000 pieces. Chu County agency a section of a day that is received in all aspects of the official documents seven, eighty as many; Feixi County House that day received a government office sent a document 20. Some often practice the writing, and the writing is long. One unit wanted a newspaper and actually wrote a long letter of more than 3,500 words. Even within a hall, Kefeng Branch of the text, a city, the hall also use the electricity on behalf of the President. Documents on the more, long, indiscriminate, chaotic phenomenon, has reached an unthinkable level. Second, do not estimate the actual situation and the possible conditions, disorderly form, indiscriminate summary, causing a lot of confusion and dissatisfaction below. If there is a hall that is issued under the forty-seven kinds of forms, of which there are many projects
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  由于井田范围内煤层强度低,节理、裂隙发育,工作面切眼跨度最大达10.5 m,沿煤层底板留顶煤掘进,顶板支护难度较大.以往工作面切眼均为沿底掘进、留顶煤、打中柱等联合支
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  为了确定合理的沿空掘巷区段煤柱尺寸,结合沿空掘巷覆岩破断特征,掌握了覆岩破断结构的关键参数,理论分析了煤柱的合理留宽.计算表明,在煤厚12 m、机采高度3.5m的条件下,