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由美国哈佛大学国际发展研究所、上海浦东改革与发展研究院和中国社会科学院经济研究所联合主办的“中国与远东:经济体制改革与地区贸易关系国际研讨会”于一九九四年十月二十二日至二十三日在上海举行,出席研讨会的有中国、美国、俄罗斯、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、蒙古等国的专家、学者以及亚洲开发银行、经济合作及发展组织(OECD)的代表共40多人。前上海市市长汪道涵教授、著名美国学者杰弗里·萨克斯教授作了主旨报告。报告中详细地论述了这一地区各国经济转轨与地区经济贸易合作的诸多问题,引起了与会者的极大兴趣。在研讨会上先后发言的有:蒙古证券交易所、中国信托投资公司、上海社科院世经所、美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校、中国国家计委经济研究所、上海市人民政府经济研究中心、上海外贸学院、对外经济贸易大学、塔什干国立经济大学、对外贸易经济合作部、上海国际问题研究所、吉尔吉斯斯坦经济研究所、华东师范大学、俄罗斯经济分析研究所、上海社科院欧亚研究所、中国社科院经济研究所、中国银行、俄罗斯科学院、外经贸部国际贸易研究所、国家经贸委、北京大学等单位的专家。研讨会由樊纲、Wing Thye Woo、Raed Safadi、刘宝荣、王家瑞、秦宣仁、Jeffreysachs等教授轮流主持。浦东改革与发展研究院院长姚锡棠教授、亚洲开发银行代表Alex Gordevich先生作了总结发言。研讨会开得热烈、友好、非常成功。现将这次研讨会上的部分中国专家学者的发言和论文刊出,供读者参考。 The “China and Far East: International Seminar on the Relationship between Economic System Reform and Regional Trade” co-sponsored by the Institute of International Development at Harvard University in the United States, Shanghai Pudong Institute of Reform and Development and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Economic Research, October 1994 The experts and scholars from China, the United States, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia, as well as the Asian Development Bank, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) A total of more than 40 representatives. Former Shanghai Mayor Wang Daohan, a famous American scholar Jeffrey Sachs made a keynote speech. The report discussed in detail the many issues concerning economic transition and regional economic and trade cooperation among countries in the region and aroused great interest from the participants. He has spoken at the seminar: Mongolia Stock Exchange, China Trust and Investment Corporation, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Institute of World Economics, University of California, Davis, Economic Research Institute of China’s State Planning Commission, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Economic Research Center , Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, University of International Business and Economics, Tashkent National University of Economics, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Shanghai Institute of International Studies, Kyrgyz Institute of Economic Research, East China Normal University, Russian Institute of Economic Analysis, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Eurasian Studies Institute of Economic Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Bank of China, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Institute of International Trade, State Economic and Trade Commission, Peking University and other units of experts. The seminar was chaired by professors Fan Gang, Wing Thye Woo, Raed Safadi, Liu Baorong, Wang Jiarui, Qin Xuanren and Jeffreysachs. Prof. Yao Xitang, dean of Pudong Reform and Development Research Institute, and Alex Gordevich, representative of Asian Development Bank, made concluding remarks. The seminar was warm, friendly and very successful. The speeches and papers of some Chinese experts and scholars at this symposium are now published for readers’ reference.
发展中国家对世界经济的作用日益重要,扭转了南北差距拉大的趋势,对南方不是看国家的多少,主要看在人口和经济中所占比重。中国在阻止南北差距扩大中起着重要作用。 The dev
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