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英美文学课程是目前我国各高校英语专业的必修课程,也是其他专业一门重要的选修课程。在经济全球化迅速发展的今天,英美文学在自我创新的基础上还要注重学生对本民族文化的掌握和认识,从而使学生在学习西方文化的同时加深对本民族文化的认知理解,只有这样才能提高学生的文化融合意识,且有利于我国本民族文化日后在世界范围内的传播与发展。本文就将以此为切入点,试分析英美文学教育中的文化融合意识。 Anglo-American literature course is the compulsory course of every college English major in our country at present, it is also an important elective course of other major. Today, with the rapid development of economic globalization, Anglo-American literature also emphasizes students’ mastery and understanding of their own national culture based on self-innovation so that students can deepen their understanding of their own national culture while learning western culture. Only in this way can they Improve students’ awareness of cultural integration, and is conducive to the spread and development of our nation’s culture in the world in the future. This article will take this as an entry point, trying to analyze the cultural fusion consciousness in English and American literary education.
The Duchess Effect  公爵夫人效应  The Duchess Effect —The positive economic impact of Kate Mid-dleton’s fashion choices, derived from her title, ‘the Duchess of Cambridge’.  The Duchess can sell out a fashi
Reduce the time for outdoor activities.  减少户外活动时间。  If you go out, try to avoid riding a bicycle.  如果出行,尽量避免骑自行车。  Note to wear anti-dust clothes, masks, gloves and glasses, etc..  注意穿戴防尘土的衣服、面罩、手套和眼镜
In many parts of the world, there are four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. In the U.S., there are only three: football, basketball and baseball. That’s not completely true, but almost. In ev
不久前,一位美国朋友在爱尔兰西部开车时有些过猛,结果被警察拦到了路边。“万一你撞上了‘雾先生’(Mr. Fog)该怎么办?”那名警察粗暴地问道,说话带有浓重的爱尔兰腔。朋友对这种高高在上的质问感到不悦,语带讽刺地回答道:“嗯,我想我会把‘脚先生’搭在‘刹车先生’上面吧。”结果,那名警察以异样的眼神盯着我的朋友,大吼道:“我说的是mist or fog。”  我的朋友是一位人类学家。在警察质问他时,