A Special Old Man

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  In my hometown there lived a sixty-year-old man. He was very 1 and never got ill. He liked eating poisonous (有毒的) snakes since he was a boy. Nearly every week, he climbed up a hill nearby to 2 snakes. He did not know how many times he had been bitten by snakes. He usually 3 some medicine if he was bitten by a snake, but once he had no medicine with him and did not take any, yet there was nothing 4 with him. From then on he had taken no medicine for being hurt by snakes. Few people believed that 5 an interesting thing took place.
  One day, when the old man was having a walk in the street, a wild dog 6 at him and hurt him on the left leg with its mouth. The old man was too angry. He 7 a big stone and ran after the dog. But before the old man 8 it, the dog lay down and died after running about 100 metres long. Being paid no attention to, the old man took the dead dog home and cooked the meat for food. A neighbour 9 to visit him and had a piece of the meat, too. But 10 the neighbour ate the meat, he had a stomachache and had trouble in breathing. The neighbour was 11 to a hospital nearby.
  The doctor was a man with much experience and he 12 the old man very well who liked eating poisonous snakes. After asking a few questions and 13 a general examination, the doctor let the old man’s neighbour take some medicine for snake poison. 14 , half an hour later, the patient got well.
  It was said that the snake poison in the strange old man’s body was more poisonous than 15 in a big poisonous snake. That is how this thing had happened.
  1. A. kind B. honestC. healthyD. busy
  2. A. hit B. catchC. watchD. search
  3. A. kept B. tookC. made D. lent
  4. A. wrong B. possible C. necessary D. active
  5. A. until B. if C. or D. and
  6. A. lookedB. ran C. laughed D. carried
  7. A. picked upB. put downC. broke upD. passed on
  8. A. caught up withB. threw to C. sent forD. came from
  9. A. changedB. decided C. plannedD. happened
  10. A. soon after B. before C. while D. by the time
  11. A. invitedB. arrived C. sentD. forced
  12. A. knewB. did C. recognizedD. thought
  13. A. trying B. giving C. showingD. turning
  14. A. Lately B. SadlyC. Hardly D. Fortunately
  15. A. thatB. thisC. it D. those
  1. C与下文“never got ill” 一致。
  2. B上山的目的是去捉蛇。
  3. B“吃药”,英语应用take medicine表达。
  4. A本分句开头有 “yet”表示转折,说明此句要表达的意思是即使没吃药那个老人也没问题,所以此空要填wrong。
  5. A直到一件有趣的事情发生,人们才相信了。
  6. B“run at sb.”意为“冲向某人;突然袭击某人”。
  7. A此处应是捡起石头追赶狗。
  8. A“catch up with…”是个短语动词,意思是 “赶上”。
  9. D“happen to do sth.”意为“碰巧做某事”。
  10. Asoon after是连词, 意为“在……之后不久”。
  11. C“send sb. to a hospital”意为“把某人送到医院”。
  12. A“know sb. well”意思是 “对某人熟悉”。
  13. B“give a examination”是“给(某人)做检查”的意思。
  14. D幸运的是,病人半小时后就好了。
  15. A此处that代指前面提到的“the snake poison”, 以避免重复。
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说明:第一试,选择题和填空题只设7分和0分两栏;第二试各题,如果考生的解答方法和本解答不同,只要思路合理,步骤正确,可参照本评分标准划分的档次,给予相应的分数.    注:“本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”
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