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目的探讨通窍汤对家兔实验性急性化脓性鼻窦炎鼻黏液纤毛输送功能的影响。方法采用改良后的Hinni造模法建立实验性急性化脓性鼻窦炎模型。予以通窍汤高、低剂量灌胃治疗,并设立空白组、模型组、西药(青霉素V钾灌胃)组作为对照。观察通窍汤对实验性急性化脓性鼻窦炎家兔鼻黏膜纤毛传输时间、光镜观察窦腔黏膜炎症情况、扫描电镜下观察窦腔黏膜纤毛上皮纤毛的变化情况。结果实验性急性化脓性鼻窦炎家兔鼻黏膜纤毛传输时间延长、光镜、电镜下窦腔黏膜充血、水肿、纤毛脱落等。通窍汤低剂量治疗后,鼻窦炎家兔鼻黏膜纤毛传输时间缩短,光镜、扫描电镜下窦腔黏膜正常等。青霉素V钾和通窍汤高剂量治疗后,上述病理改变有明显改善,但与通窍汤低剂量相比,稍有差异。结论通窍汤可消除急性化脓性鼻窦炎家兔局部的炎症反应,加快鼻窦黏液纤毛传输时间。 Objective To investigate the effect of Tongfu decoction on nasal mucociliary transport function of experimental acute suppurative sinusitis in rabbits. Methods The experimental model of acute suppurative sinusitis was established using the modified Hinni model. High-dose and low-dose gavage treatment was applied to Tongqiao decoction, and a blank group, a model group, and a western medicine (penicillin V potassium gavage) group were set as controls. Observing the effect of Tongbi Decoction on nasal mucociliary transmission time of rabbits with experimental acute purulent sinusitis, observing the inflammation of sinus mucosa under light microscope, and observing the changes of ciliated epithelial cilia in sinus mucosa under scanning electron microscope. Results The nasal mucociliary transmission time of experimental acute purulent rhinosinusitis was prolonged, and the sinus mucosal hyperemia, edema, and cilia detachment were observed under light microscope and electron microscope. After low-dose Tongqiao decoction treatment, the transmission time of nasal mucociliary in rabbits with sinusitis was shortened, and the sinus mucosa was normal under light microscope and scanning electron microscope. After treatment with penicillin V potassium and high-dose Tongqiao Decoction, the above pathological changes were significantly improved, but there was a slight difference compared with the low dose of Tongqiao Decoction. Conclusion Tongbi Decoction can eliminate the inflammatory reaction in rabbits with acute purulent sinusitis and accelerate the cilia cilia transmission time.
铁路信号电 源系统的中性点不接地运行方式,随电力线路的电容电流发生变化,应采取相应的措施,甚至采用其他运行方式。 The neutral point of the railway signal power syst
根据作者参加阜淮铁路建设管理和施工配合的体会,以及对该铁路膨胀土路基病害的调研,提出膨胀土路堤路基病害的综合防治措施。 According to the author’s experience in t
本文针对鹰厦电气化铁路无功朴偿的现状和存在的问题,提出了几种提高功率因数的办法。 In view of the status quo and existing problems of reactive power compensation