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《论语》中有这样的一句话:“子绝四:毋意、毋必、毋固、毋我。”意思是说,孔子在处理问题时能做到“毋意”——不以主观的态度处理事情:“毋必”——不强行推销自己的想法;“毋固”——不固执于一个判断;“毋我”——不以自我为中心,不谋取个人私利。“四绝”体现了孔子处理问题时的工作作风和个人品格,对现代领导干部决策具有启示。一、毋意。以主观的态度来处理事情,是领导者决策的第一大忌。由于只凭个人的主观想象,没有经过认真、全面、深入的调查研究,没有经过多方论证,作出的决策往往会变成空中楼阁。为此,在进行决策之前,一定要三思而行:一思决策是否具有现实必要性,不搞毫无价值的盲目争论:二思决策是否具有可行性,认真调查研究,全面收集资料信息,多方论 The Analects of Confucius contains the following sentence: “Subjectes 4: No need, no need, no solidity, no need for me.” The meaning is that Confucius can not “do anything” when handling problems - not subjective Attitude to deal with things: “not necessarily” - do not forcibly promote their own ideas; “no solid” - not stick to a judge; “no” - not self-centered, not for personal gain. The “Four Musts” embody Confucius’s work style and personal character when dealing with the problems and have enlightenment on the decision-making of modern leading cadres. First, no meaning. To deal with things subjectively, is the leader of the first taboo decision-making. As a result of individual subjective imagination, without careful, comprehensive and in-depth investigation and study, the decision-making made by many parties has often become a panache without multi-factorial proof. For this reason, before making decisions, we must think twice: whether or not a meditation decision is necessary and does not engage in blind debates of worthlessness: whether or not a meditative decision-making is feasible, conducting thorough investigations and studies, comprehensively collecting information and information, s
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