Numerical Simulation of Duct Flow with Fog Droplets

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bingdaoblue
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Evaporative cooling is a widely used air cooling technique. In this method, evaporation of a liquid in the surrounding air cools the air in contact with it. In the current investigation, numerical simulations are carried out to visualize the evaporation and dynamics of tiny water droplets of different diameters in a long air duct. The effect of initial droplet size on the temperature and relative humidity distribution of the air stream in the duct is investigated. Three different initial conditions of air are considered to verify the influence of ambient conditions. Droplet spray patterns are also analyzed to identify the suitable locations for the spray nozzles within the duct. The results obtained are displayed in a series of plots to provide a clear understanding of the evaporative cooling process as well as the droplet dynamics within the ducts. In this method, evaporation of a liquid in the surrounding air cools the air in contact with it. Numerical simulations are carried out to visualize the evaporation and dynamics of tiny water droplets of different diameters in a long air duct. The effect of initial droplet size on the temperature and relative humidity distribution of the air stream in the duct is investigated. patterns are also analyzed to identify the suitable locations for the spray nozzles within the duct. The results obtained are displayed in a series of plots to provide a clear understanding of the evaporative cooling process as well as the droplet dynamics within the ducts.
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