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建设节约型社会是全党、全国人民的共同任务,只有大家共同努力,才能建设节约型社会。当前,开展全民教育,树立全民节约观念,实为首要任务。我国国情是人多而物不博。现在发展水平还很低,人均GDP仅为发达国家的十几分之一,还需要大力发展。中国人口已达13亿,占全球1/5,高峰将达16亿或更多,而主要资源耕地、水、能源、各种矿产按人均计,都列在世界后列。例如人均耕地仅1亩多,为世界平均值的1/3,并且还在不断减少,要养活自己难度极大。如果我国每年有1/10的粮食要进口,就会压垮世界粮食市场。又如石油,为世界平均值的1/10,如果我国按美国现在的标准消 Building a conservation-oriented society is a common task for the entire party and the people throughout the country. Only by working together can we build a conservation-oriented society. At present, carrying out universal education and establishing the concept of universal saving are in fact the primary tasks. Our national conditions are numerous and not rich. At a time when the level of development is still very low, GDP per capita is only one-tenth of that of developed countries and needs further development. China has a population of 1.3 billion, accounting for 1/5 of the world’s total, reaching a peak of 1.6 billion or more. The main resources of cultivated land, water, energy and various minerals are listed on the world’s per capita basis. For example, arable land per capita is only 1mu, 1/3 of the world average, and it is still decreasing. It is extremely difficult to support oneself. If every year China imports 1/10 of its grain, it will crush the world grain market. Another example is oil, which is 1/10 of the world average, if our country is eliminated according to the current U.S. standards
一、前言计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW—ComputerSupported Cooperative Work)是一门由计算机科学、系统工程、心理学和社会学等多个学科综合而成的新的交叉学科。CSCW为在时
万维网(World Wide Web),顾名思义就是包罗万象的可存取信息的全球性网络。它是人们可以进行相互交流的抽象空间,主要由互连的文本页面、图像、动画、音像及三维世界构成。
老年人常因机体抵抗力下降,尤其在患各种慢性或急性病后,免疫力低下,较易非发带状疱疹。且老年带状疱疹早期症状多样,部位不典型,多数患者局部疼痛突出,常误诊为不同疾 The
1 引言随着互联网的迅速发展和普及,人们对网络的依赖性越来越大,希望通过互联网获取所需的各种信息资源,以方便自己的学习和工作。为此,各种搜索引擎,如Yahool、Excite等相