山水无意 油彩有心——说说刘子平的油画系列作品

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上个世纪90年代初,刘子平以优异成绩毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系,并留系任教。其时我正在准备高考,那个时候社会上还不曾有现今这么多画班,画册资料也极其有限。大家虽苦于没有得到立竿见影的画技,但也少了白大黑夜地画头像之烦躁,同学们在一起玩耍切磋,虽不怎么用功,日子过得还不错。90年代,因为各种条件限制,对于大多数艺术学子来说,留学依然很准。这种情况在2000年以后得以改观。2001 In the early 90s of last century, Liu Ziping graduated with honors from the Department of Oil Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Luxun and stayed on to teach. At that time, I was preparing for the college entrance examination. At that time, there were not many classes in society so far, and the information on the book was extremely limited. Although everyone is suffering from not immediately get the painting skills, but also less white night to paint the picture of the irritable, students play together to learn from, although not so hard, life fantastic. In the 1990s, because of various conditions and restrictions, for most art students, study abroad is still very accurate. This situation can be changed after 2000. 2001
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