On the Development and Maintenance of Cigarettes Exported to North Korea

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hartyao
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According to the requirements of “ going out” strategy of Jilin Tobacco Industry Co. Ltd.,in order to further expand the Changbaishan series brand in the market of North Korea,this paper elaborates the product development and maintenance ideas and measures for three cigarette companies in North Korea based on the actual work being done,so as to determine the development and maintenance focus of export cigarettes and provide strong technical support for accelerating the pace of localization of production while achieving homogenization of production. According to the requirements of “going out ” strategy of Jilin Tobacco Industry Co. Ltd., in order to further expand the Changbaishan series brand in the market of North Korea, this paper elaborates the product development and maintenance ideas and measures for three cigarette companies in North Korea based on the actual work being done, so as to determine the development and maintenance focus of export cigarettes and provide strong technical support for accelerating the pace of localization of production while achieving homogenization of production.
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