来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jieswh
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A new surfacing electrode is developed with cracking resistance and wearability based on high microhardness of TiC and VC, carbides of Ti and V are formed in deposited metal by means of high temperature arc metallurgic reaction. The results show the hardness of surfacing metal increases with the increase of ferrotitanium (Fe-Ti), ferrovanadium (Fe-V) and graphite in the coat. However, when graphite reaches the volume fraction of 11%, the hardness reaches its peak value, and when beyond 11%, the hardness falls off. As Fe-Ti, Fe-V and graphite increase, the cracking resistance of deposited metal and usability of electrode declines. Carbides are dispersedly distributed in the matrix structure. The matrix microstructure of deposited metal is lath martensite. Carbides present irregular block. When using the researched surfacing electrode to continue weld with non-preheated, no seeable crack or only a few micro-cracks can be observed in the surface of deposited metal. The hardness is above 60 HRC. The wear res A new surfacing electrode is developed with cracking resistance and wearability based on high microhardness of TiC and VC, carbides of Ti and V are formed in deposited metal by means of high temperature arc metallurgic reaction. The results show the hardness of surfacing metal increases with the increase of ferrotitanium (Fe-Ti), ferrovanadium (Fe-V) and graphite in the coat. However, when graphite reaches the volume fraction of 11%, the hardness reaches its peak value, and when beyond 11%, the hardness falls off . As Fe-Ti, Fe-V and graphite increase, the cracking resistance of deposited metal and usability of electrode declines. Carbides are dispersedly distributed in the matrix structure. The matrix microstructure of deposited metal is lath martensite. Carbides present irregular block. When using the researched surfacing electrode to continue weld with non-preheated, no seeable crack or only a few micro-cracks can be observed in the surface of deposited metal. The hardness is above 6 0 HRC. The wear res
李姓为当代中国第一大姓,人口约有9200多万,加上海外华裔中的李姓人氏,总数超过1亿,是当今世界上最大的同姓人群。    姓氏起源    李姓的来源纷繁复杂,主要可归纳为两大类:  1.出自嬴姓,为皋陶之后,以官命氏。李氏的远祖皋陶,又称庭坚,本姓偃,是中东夷族的首领,相传为上古五帝之一颛顼高阳氏的裔孙。他于舜时担任理官,掌管司法刑狱之事。其子伯益因佐虞舜驯养鸟兽、助大禹治水有功,被舜帝赐姓为嬴。