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   Switzerland may be a small, little-regarded mid-continental country with a serious image problem. Switzerland covers an area of 41,285 sq km. At the most, it's 220km from north to south, and 348km from west to east. The highest point is the Dufourspitze at 4634m above sea level, the lowest is Lago Maggiore at 193m. The total population is around 7.4 million, of whom 5.9 million are Swiss citizens.
   Switzerland has grown into one of the world's richest countries. Its economy is small-scale but thoroughly modern: traditional industries such as watchmaking and textiles(纺织品)now thrive by focusing closely on the luxury end of the market and have ceded(割让)prime position to engineering, pharmaceuticals(药学的)and service industries.
   Within this rugged environment, community spirit is perhaps stronger than anywhere else in Europe. Since the country isn't an ethnic, linguistic or religious unity, it's survived simply through the will of its people to resolve their differences.
   Tourism has been a high earner since the mid-nineteenth century, when the Alps(阿尔卑斯山)became both a fashionable destination for wealthy travelers and a prescribed retreat for sufferers from breathing diseases needing curative sunshine and fresh mountain air. And yet the country still stands alone.
   Switzerland is remarkably polyglot(通晓多种语言的人). There are four official languages: about two-thirds of the population have German as their first language; about a fifth French; six percent Italian; while Romansh, a direct descendant(后代)of Latin, has clung on in pockets of the mountainous southeast. Around one in ten people use English every day, and many Swiss are comfortably tri- or quadrilingual.
  1.Switzerland’s economy has the following characters EXCEPT_____________.
   A.small-scale but simply thoroughly modern
   B.watchmaking and textiles becoming less important
   C.traditional industries thriving in luxury markets
   D.engineering, pharmaceuticals and service industries are important
  2.What’s the advantage of Switzerland in Europe?
   A.Its community spirit is stronger than any other country in Europe.
   B.Its community is an ethnic, linguistic or religious unity.
   C.Its community spirit has survived through the will of its people.
   D.Its people have the will to resolve their differences in every way.
  3.Switzerland’s tourism is famous for ________.
   A.wealthy travelers B.curative sunshine
   C.fresh mountain airD.the Alps
  4.What are the four official languages in Switzerland?
  A.German, French, English and Latin.
  B.German, Italian, French and Romansh.
  C.German, Italian, Romansh and English.
  D.German, Latin, Romansh and French.
  5.What’s the best title of the passage?
  A.Area of Switzerland.
  B.History of Switzerland.
  D.Tourism in Switzerland.
  6.What’s the meaning of word “thrive” in Paragraph Two?
   A.Cause somebody or something to feel a thrill or thrills.
   B.Examine and measure the qualities etc of sb or sth.
   C.Grow or develop well and vigorously; prosper.
   D.Turn or move sb or sth quickly or violently in directions.
  3.D。推理判断题。从第四段第一句话后半部分中的the Alps became both a fashionable destination可知阿尔卑斯山是一个受人欢迎的旅游目的地,因此它应该以阿尔卑斯山出名。
  4.B。细节理解题。从第五段第二句话There are four official languages: about two-thirds of the population have German as their first language; about a fifth French; six percent Italian; while Romansh, a direct descendant of Latin,has clung on in pockets of the mountainous southeast.可知道瑞士的官方语言应该是German德语、French法语、Italian意大利语和Romansh语这四中语言。
仿用句式作为一种灵活的考题样式考查的频率越来越高,受到越来越多的关注。2004年全国各省市共有6道仿句题,2005年是5套试卷涉及仿句,2006年是6套,2007年是7套,因此这种题型有愈考愈烈之势,要在备考中予以高度的重视。2007年基本上把以往仿用的类型全都包含其中了,因此笔者以2007年高考中的仿用为例,来做一下解析。  仿用句式就是根据题目要求,依照特定句子的句式写一句活或几句话。仿用的关
【考纲解读】  新课标下的古典诗歌阅读鉴赏,主要是为了让学生获得美的享受和志趣、品格、情操等多方面的熏陶,近几年高考诗歌鉴赏类试题已呈新变化,“对比型”鉴赏已悄然走进高考命题中,这颇值得我们关注。2007年江西、湖北、重庆、辽宁、山东、浙江等卷古诗词鉴赏都采用了两首诗对比鉴赏的形式。对这类试题命题者也在逐年加重考查,从大方面看,此类试题一般从“求同”、“求异”两个方面来设计问题,从小方面看,可以从
2007年10月15日,中共十七大在北京胜利召开,胡锦涛代表党中央作了题为《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗》的报告中国共产党是我国的领导核心和执政党,全心全意为人民服务是中共的宗旨十七大的胜利召开对于进一步推进社会主义现代化建设,全面建设小康社会,促进国家统一大业的实现,实现中华民族的伟大复兴具有重要的意义    一关于中国特色社会主义道路和中国特色社会主义理论体系
2007年18套高考试卷中的作文命题,在稳定中求变化,在变化中求创新。出现了标题、材料、话题三足鼎立的局面。但在命题“稳中求变,变中求新”的原则指导下,2008年的作文命题趋势将会有哪些变化呢?笔者认为长期以话题作文出现的省市,应关注标题作文与材料作文;长期以标题作文出现的省市,则应加强话题作文和材料作文的指导。下面仅就漫画作文的写法,略陈鄙见。  材料作文写作的难点在于审题。考生一旦审题失误,则
※现象评论文写法指导※    【题型解说】现象评论文是针对特定社会现象介绍不同观点,评论其对错的文章。通常由支持者观点、反对者观点和自己观点三部分构成。这种题材的书面表达是高考英语书面表达的热点题型,曾在全国各地高考英语试卷中多次出现。    【实例分析】  现在很多学生喜欢阅读小说,对此有人赞成,有人反对,阅读下表内容写一篇短文介绍这些观点,并谈谈自己的看法。    字数:120-150  学生
策划 本刊编辑部 执行 姜梅荣 张令伟    政策篇:2008年高考招生新变化    从教育部近期发布的《2008年普通高校招生工作规定》中了解到,今年高考招生在志愿填报、招生简章发布上与去年相比有了一些新的变化。今年山东省高考仍于6月7日至9日举行,录取工作于7月上旬开始,其中本科第一批次录取应在7月10日至15日之间开始,20日之前完成,全部(各批次)录取工作应在8月20日之前结束。   分省
有一个英文老师出了一道这样的难题,题目如下:  ——is better than God.   ——is worse than evil.   If you eat____,you will die.   (三个空格必须是同一个单词)。   没有人能回答出来。  有一个数学老师用数学的方法解出来了 :  设上帝之善是+∞,恶魔之恶是-∞,令所求为x,依题意x>+oox<-oo   ∴x= ,∴x=
在必修4第三章中有这样一例题:求函数y=asinx+bcosx的值域,教材利用两角和的正弦公式化为y= sin(x+φ)(其中cosφ= ,sinφ= ),由正弦型函数的性质知- ≤y≤ ,可等价变换为a2+b2≥c2,这一结论应用广泛.    一、求关于sinx,cosx的一次式或二次式的值域或最值  例1 求函数y=sin2x+3sinxcosx+5cos2x的值域.  解:y= + sin2