Implementation and Performance Evaluation of IPSec VPN Based on Netfilter

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonerzhang
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We mainly explore two problems when combining IPSec module into TCP/IP stack by porting the famous IPSec software (FreeS/WAN) into a security gateway. One is how to implement the IPSec module based on Netfilter in Linux 2.4.x kernel. The other problem is the performance evaluation. We test the throughput of our security gateway before and after applying IPSec with different encryption/decryption algorithms, including the software-based and hardware-based method. With these testing data, we analyze further system performance bottleneck. In the end, we also infer the quantitative relation between the system throughput and the speed of encryption/decryption algorithm and propose some valuable conclusions for improving performance. We mainly explore two problems when combining IPSec module into TCP / IP stack by porting the famous IPSec software (FreeS / WAN) into a security gateway. One is how to implement the IPSec module based on Netfilter in Linux 2.4.x kernel. The other We test the throughput of our security gateway before and after applying IPSec with different encryption / decryption algorithms, including the software-based and hardware-based method. With these testing data, we analyze further system performance bottleneck. In the end, we also infer the quantitative relation between the system throughput and the speed of encryption / decryption algorithm and propose some valuable conclusions for improving performance.
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患者男性,34岁.因"头痛、发热10 d,意识不清3 d"于2005年3月1日入院.患者10 d前出现发热,体温最高39.5℃,在外院诊断为"结核性脑膜炎",治疗无效,体温不降,3 d前出现意识不清转入我院。
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