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提起阿梅,我的心就咚咚地跳。要不是我因工作需要,到那偏僻得有些原始的小山沟任教,要不是我走出校门,沿着那条窄窄的石径去百步以外的小村里打发课外无聊的时光,我就不会有今天的这份忧伤、咚咚的心跳和莫名其妙的不安。当我怀揣文教局开具的报到函,背负重重的行囊来到这座山村小学时,两栋东倒西歪的校舍和四周齐脚高的围墙,使我第一次找到了“寂寞”一词的形象注解。学校东边依山,西边傍水,前方不远处是疏疏落落的庄户人家。39个学生、两位年届不惑的民办教师和我,便是这所村校的全部内容。放学之后,除了山坡上牛羊悠远的叫声和河边洗衣女依稀可辨的笑声给我心灵上些许慰籍之外,我就是寂寞的守夜人、静心打坐的道者……这不行,我得出去走走。第一次涉足小村的时日我虽记不清了,但一个令人揪心的名字:阿 Amei, my heart pounding. If it were not for the job that I needed to go to the remote little pristine ditch where I was teaching, or if I walked out of school and took extracurricular time off the narrow stone path to a small village outside a hundred paces, I would not Today’s sad, pounding heartbeat and inexplicable unease. When I brought in a registration letter issued by the Education and Culture Bureau and came to this mountain village primary school with heavy luggage, the two lodged schoolhouses and the four-foot-high fences made me find for the first time the term “lonely” Image annotation. East of the school mountain, west of Bangshui, not far from the front is sparsely scattered Zhuang family. 39 students, two non-confused private teachers and I, is the entire village of this content. After school, in addition to the distant sounds of cattle and sheep on the slopes and the river laundry woman faintly discernible laughter gave me some comfort on the soul, I am a lonely night watchman meditating meditation ... ... this does not work, I have to go out and walk. Although I can not remember the time when I first came into the village, I find a gripping name: A
早上,妈妈出去买菜,我在家里睡懒觉。几十分钟后,妈妈回来了,我还恍恍惚惚地躺在床上。妈妈把买回来的菜放入厨房,神神秘秘地来到卧室,激动地对我说:“你猜,今天我 In the m
Soil aggregate stability as a key indicator of soil structure,is a product of interactions between soil environment,management practices,and land use patterns.T
教师节到了,我祝班主任王老师节日快乐。也祝天下所有的教师幸福快乐!(辽宁王晨贝) Teacher’s Day arrived, I wish the teacher Wang happy holiday. I wish all the teac
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同学们,你们都知道猫和老鼠的故事吧。这个故事我们从小就听过,但是今天我不讲这个故事,而是要同学们做一道算术题。 Classmates, you all know the story of cats and mice
晚霞虽不像春雨那样滋润万物,也不像瑞雪那样让大地银装素裹,可它却令我陶醉……傍晚,太阳渐渐偏西,霞光照在我家窗前,柔柔的、暖暖的,为我的房间涂上 Although the sunset