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作为一名从事IT传媒6年的编辑,工作中最让我兴奋的一点是看读者的来信。从最初第一次编写稿件后,捧着读者的信件由忐忑变为释然的感受,到今天常常在来信中得到意外启发的兴奋,都是我迫不及待地看读者来信的理由。对于读者的互动反馈,编者一方面愿意得到正面的肯定,另一方面更希望看到中肯的批评以便更好地改进工作,在近期读者的邮件中,不乏这样建设性的来信。我从中挑选了反映问题比较典型的来信,并利用“半月点评”作答,以期更多的读者了解我们的看法。 As a 6 years in the IT media editor, the most exciting part of my job is to read the letter from the reader. From the very first time I first wrote a manuscript, the feeling of being held aback by his readers to being relieved, and the excitement I often get surprised by letters today, are all reasons why I can not wait to read a letter from a reader. For readers ’interactive feedback, editors are willing to get positive affirmations on the one hand, on the other hand, they prefer to see pertinent criticisms in order to improve their work better. In the recent readers’ e-mail, there is no shortage of such constructive letters. I chose the letters that reflected the typical problems and used the “Half Month Review” to answer more readers’ questions about our opinions.
各会员单位: 诚信,是诚实守信之义。诚信是获取信任与信誉的前提,人无信而不立,企无信而不振,国无信而不兴。价格诚信,主要指经营者向消费者提供商品和服务时,作出的质价相
通过对运输包装系统流通环境的识别途径、识别准则和识别过程的讨论,提出了一种易于在计算机上实现的识别方法。 Through the discussion of the identification methods and
具有高离子电导率的固体电解质是全固态电池、电化学器件和传感器的关键材料.但是,由锂盐和长链聚合物基体构成的一类常规 Li~+传导聚合物电解质,其室温离子电导率却非常低(1
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A new family of planthoppers Fulgoromorpha from the Lower Jurassic of southern China is described to comprise Qiyangiricania cesta Lin,1986.The new family diffe