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汉文帝十二年,晁错为解决屯戍时的运粮困境及尊农抑商,而向文帝提出“纳粟授爵”议,让富商用高价向农民买粮,输送至边,依纳粟程度,授予最高至第十八等的高爵。此策推行后,果然解除屯戍困境,国库也因此而充盈。但此议所贩售的,实是自汉初高祖以来,始终用于奖励军功、安抚政权和维系社会等级秩序的军功爵。军功爵一旦被无限量抛售,首先冲击到的,将是持有高爵的军功功臣集团。文帝同意大量卖爵,不仅达到解决经济困境和抑商尊农之效果,而且稀释了功臣集团的军功荣耀和政治影响力,起到釜底抽薪式的作用。以军功登上政治舞台的功臣集团,因“纳粟授爵”的轻滥,而逐步走出政坛中心。 In the 12th year of the Han emperor’s reign, Chao Cuo proposed to solve the problem of transporting grain at the time of the Tun Shu garrison and to respect the peasants for their business. He proposed to the emperor that the rich should buy grain from peasants at high prices, According to the degree of amazon, awarded the highest to the eighteenth and so on. After the implementation of this policy, it really relieved the plight of the garrison, the treasury thus filling. However, what is sold in this motion is actually the military power that has been used to reward military power, appease the power and maintain social order since the early Han Emperor. Once the martial arts is sold out in an unlimited quantity, the first hit will be the high-ranking military meritorious service group. Emperor Wen agreed to sell a large number of jazz, not only to solve the economic dilemma and respect for the effect of respecting agriculture, but also diluted the heroic glorious military power and political influence, play a drastic effect. The meritorious group that took the military power to the political arena gradually walked out of the center of politics because of the light abuse of Grand Duke Naxu.
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【摘 要】思想政治工作是宣传思想领域的基本工作。思想政治工作者转变观念,提高认识,加快思想政治工作的改革与创新,这既是时代发展给我们提出的客观要求和迫切任务,也是全体思想政治工作者肩负的历史使命。  【关键词】改革创新;企业思想政治工作;应用;意义  一、改革创新思想政治工作,是社会发展的客观要求  随着改革开放的不断深入和社会主义市场经济深入发展,社会经济成分、组织形式、就业方式、利益关系和分配