The Role of Fibrinolysis in Adhesive Otitis Media(AOM)

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Objective To study the effects of Batroxobin on otitis media with effusion(OME), an early stage of Adhesive Otitis Media(AOM), for the purpose of expanding our understanding of the role of fibrinolysis in the pathogenesis of AOM. Method Forty cases of OME(45 ears) were randomly selected to receive intratympanic administration of Dexamethasone at 5 mg/ml(Group 1 or G1), Batroxobin at 1 BU/ml(Group 2 or G2) or Batroxobin at 2 BU/ml (Group 3 or G3). Pre-and post-treatment changes in clinical symptoms, the Air conduction Hearing Threshold (AHT) in pure tone audiometry and average AHT over 0.25 to 2 kHz were compared. Results Data from 31 cases(33 ears) were available for analysis. AHTs among three groups were similar prior to treatment(P > 0.05). The rate of normal hearing following treatment in G3 was 70% or 7 / 10, higher than in G1(41.7% or 5 / 12) and G2 (54.5% or 6 / 11)(P < 0.05). The rate of improvement following treatment was 81.8% or 9/11 and 80.0% or 8 / 10 in G2 and G3, respectively, higher than that in G1(50.0% or 6 / 12)(P < 0.05). Conclusions Therapeutic effects of intratympanic injection of Batroxobin on OME is superior to traditionally used Dexamethasone. In addition, higher concentration of Batroxobin appears to be superior to lower concentrations. These findings confirm that fibrinolysis plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of middle ear adhesion and that fibrinolytic medicine can prevent or reduce adhesion development in the middle ear. Objective To study the effects of Batroxobin on otitis media with effusion (OME), an early stage of Adhesive Otitis Media (AOM), for the purpose of expanding our understanding of the role of fibrinolysis in the pathogenesis of AOM. Method Forty cases of OME (45 ears) were randomly selected to receive intratympanic administration of Dexamethasone at 5 mg / ml (Group 1 or G1), Batroxobin at 1 BU / ml (Group 2 or G2) or Batroxobin at 2 BU / ml (Group 3 or G3) . Pre-and post-treatment changes in clinical symptoms, the Air conduction Hearing Threshold (AHT) in pure tone audiometry and average AHT over 0.25 to 2 kHz were compared. Results Data from 31 cases (33 ears) were available for analysis. AHTs Among the three groups were similar prior to treatment (P> 0.05). The rate of normal hearing following treatment in G3 was 70% or 7/10, higher than in G1 (41.7% or 5/12) and G2 (54.5% or 6 / 11) (P <0.05). The rate of improvement following treatment was 81.8% or 9/11 and 80.0% or 8/10 in G2 and G3, respecti (P <0.05). Conclusions Therapeutic effects of intratympanic injection of Batroxobin on OME is superior to traditionally used Dexamethasone. In addition, higher concentration of Batroxobin appears to be superior to lower concentrations. These findings confirm that fibrinolysis plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of middle ear adhesion and that fibrinolytic medicine can prevent or reduce adhesion development in the middle ear.
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沈祖炎教授1935年6月生于杭州,现为同济大学教授、博士生导师,2005年当选中国工程院院士.正如同济大学校长万钢所说:“沈祖炎教授当选中国工程院院士,可说是功夫所至,是名至实归、众望所归!”沈祖炎教授长期从事钢结构领域的科研、实践和教学工作,研究方向为钢结构稳定、抗震及非线性分析理论及设计方法.    不懈钻研,在寂寞和艰难中坚守    300多篇论文,近20部著作,11本钢结构有关的规范、规程
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