Towards Theory Problem of Advanced Robot and Its Development Strategy in China

来源 :Science Foundation in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HappHapp
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Compared with industrial robots, advanced robots present unique characteristics on theory basis, techniques and application fields, which is listed in high technology development prog rams of many developed countries. Attention of many scientists a/I over the world has been focused on advanced robot-related research that has become one of most important research topics in automation. In this article, after an overview of development and trends in advanced robots investigation, design and applications, the common technologies and fundamental science problems of advanced robots are discussed, and an advice on advanced robot development strategy in China is given. Compared with industrial robots, advanced robots present unique characteristics on theory basis, techniques and application fields, which is listed in high technology development prog rams of many developed countries. Attention of many scientists a / I over the world has been focused on advanced robot- related research that has become one of the most important research topics in automation. In this article, after an overview of development and trends in advanced robots investigation, design and applications, the common technologies and fundamental science problems of advanced robots are discussed, and an advice on advanced robot development strategy in China is given.
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