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应用文广泛运用于人们的实际生活和工作,应用文写作技能在人际沟通和职场沟通中不可或缺,是联合国教科文组织界定的职场核心能力之一。越来越多的高校开始向非中文专业学生提供相关课程,但教学效果往往不尽如人意。教师不愿教,学生不爱学、学不会。为此,很多学校进行了积极的课程改革,但改革效果参差不齐。笔者认为,只有依托现代语言学和 Applied text is widely used in people’s actual life and work, and practical writing skills are indispensable in interpersonal communication and career communication. It is one of the core competences of the workplace defined by UNESCO. More and more colleges and universities are beginning to provide related courses to non-Chinese major students, but the teaching effect is often not satisfactory. Teachers do not want to teach, students do not love to learn, can not learn. To this end, many schools conducted a positive curriculum reform, but the effects of the reforms were uneven. The author believes that only relying on modern linguistics and
To detect the excretion ratio of Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) in mice feces by HPLC. The chromatogram column is C18-ODS, the mobile phase is Acetonitrile -H2O (45
通化,一块神奇的土地,这里充满着活力,孕育着生机。 通化,一块英雄的土地,这里涌动着真情,迸发着奉献! 早在抗日战争年代,在通化广袤的大地上,就涌现出杨靖宇、王凤阁等无数
This study draws attention to the fact that natural processes can mobilize thallium (Tl), a highly toxic metal, which may enter the food chain with severe healt