
来源 :国外医学参考资料.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxsj002
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作者等报告12例筛窦癌的治疗经验,术前用放疗,后用手术切除。男性病人10例,女性2例。本组腺癌占6例(50%)、低分化或未分化癌3例、乳头状圆锥细胞瘤(Ringertz氏瘤)2例、鳞癌仅1例。未分化癌多发于青年病人,本组3例分别为17、27及37岁。从以上可见筛窦中的腺癌较多,此点与上颌窦癌不同,后者以鳞癌占多数。关于筛窦癌的治疗,目前以手术切除为主,或手术与放疗(术前或术后)的联合治疗。很少单用放疗作为治愈方法,仅用于晚期病人的姑息疗法,或用于因种种原因不能进行手术者。作者采用联合治疗法,常规方法为术前放疗,4~5 The authors reported 12 cases of ethmoid sinus cancer treatment experience, preoperative radiotherapy, and surgical resection. There are 10 male patients and 2 females. In this group, 6 cases (50%) of adenocarcinomas, 3 cases of poorly differentiated or undifferentiated carcinomas, 2 cases of papillary cell tumors (Ringertz’s neoplasms), and 1 case of squamous cell carcinoma. Undifferentiated carcinomas are mostly present in young patients. The three cases in this group were 17, 27 and 37 years old. From the above, there are more adenocarcinomas in the ethmoid sinus, which is different from the maxillary sinus cancer, which accounts for the majority of squamous cell carcinomas. With regard to the treatment of ethmoid sinus cancer, surgical resection is currently the main method, or combined surgery and radiotherapy (preoperative or postoperative). Rarely used radiotherapy alone as a cure, only for palliative care in advanced patients, or for those who cannot perform surgery for a variety of reasons. The authors used a combination therapy, the conventional method for preoperative radiotherapy, 4 ~ 5
胆系疾病及黄疸病人,往往需作肝外胆迈系统的X线造影检查,以明确诊断,但对黄疸较深或肝功能欠佳的病人,X线造影难以进行。 中山医院同位素室与中西医结合治疗外科急腹症组,
为了改进对头颈部复杂解剖隐窝的观察,作者应用Olympus B5-5B_2型纤维支气管镜作内窥镜检查,并将其与间接镜检查(或反光镜)所见作了比较,共对25例患者进行了26次检查,其中18
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上颌窦癌占上呼吸道癌3%,占各鼻窦癌的85%。作者分析从1958——1968年所收治的上颌 Maxillary sinus cancer accounts for 3% of upper respiratory tract cancers and 85% o