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“疯子!真是疯了!”“你去,去了就别再回来!”……13年间,面对乡亲们的质疑,家人的不理解,他三出家门,历经磨难矢志不渝。为追寻心中绿化荒山的梦想,义无反顾地走上了村边的北阳山。一座苍凉的荒山,13年无怨无悔——这就是农八师、石河子市努尔巴克村农民,第16届“中国青年五四奖章”获得者许登金多年的生活写照。坚守心中那片绿“我要把家乡的荒山变绿,不管遇到多大的困难,我都会咬着牙继续干下去”这是许登金13年前站在北阳山山顶立下的誓言。那一年,他19岁。 13 years, in the face of folks questioning, family members do not understand, he three out of the house, after suffering determined not to Chongqing. To pursue the dream of green afforestation mind, hesitant to embark on the village of Beiyang. A desolate barren mountain, 13 years no regrets - This is the eight agricultural division, Shihezi Nuerbaake village farmer, the 16th “China Youth May Fourth Medal ” winner Xu Dengjin portrait of life for many years. Stick to the heart of the piece of green “I want to turn the barren hills of the hometown green, no matter how much difficulty I encounter, I will bite the teeth and continue to do it ” This is Xu Dengjin 13 years ago stand Beiyang mountain top vows. That year, he was 19 years old.
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