Synthesis and characterization of boron nitride sponges as a novel support for metal nanoparticles

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XYYWLC
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This paper describes a simple synthetic route for the synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) powders with high specific surface area, in which BBr3, NH4Cl and Al powders are used as starting materials. The structure and composition of the powders were characterized by electron diffraction, Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in the selected area. X-ray diffraction shows wide peaks of crystalline h-BN with the particle size on the nanometer scale, and transmission electron microscopy reveals that the products have a novel spongy morphology. Silver nanoparticles loaded h-BN sponges were prepared via a one-step synthesis method. Different reaction conditions for the formation of h-BN sponges were also investigated. This paper describes a simple synthetic route for the synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) powders with high specific surface area, in which BBr3, NH4Cl and Al powders are used as starting materials. The structure and composition of the powders were characterized by electron diffraction, Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in the selected area. X-ray diffraction shows wide peaks of crystalline h-BN with the particle size on the nanometer scale, and transmission electron microscopy reveals that the products have a novel spongy morphology. Silver nanoparticles loaded h-BN sponges were prepared via a one-step synthesis method. Different reaction conditions for the formation of h-BN sponges were also investigated.
例:如图1所示,右侧为一固定的超导体圆环,条形磁铁从左侧无穷远处沿圆环轴线移向圆环,穿过后移到右侧无穷远处,如果磁铁的移动是匀速的,则() Example: As shown in Figure
生命就像一颗珍珠,在河蚌中孕育了很多年才被人们开采出来。当它诞生的时候,并不会散发出美丽的光芒,因为那时它很粗糙,也很丑陋。但是,经历了一番雕饰磨炼之后,它就会变成一颗璀璨夺目、价值连城的宝珠。  温暖的春风轻轻吹过我的脸庞,山中的冰雪在渐渐消融,春雨悄然无声地给小树送来了久违的滋润,小草在泥土中冒出了小小的脑袋,花儿正在路旁争奇斗艳——春天来了!  一只可爱的小燕子从我的身旁飞过,它娇小的身躯披
伟大的波兰科学家尼古拉·哥白尼逝世于1953年5月24日前的410年。 1943年是这位波兰人民的伟大儿子逝世400周年,也是他著名著作“天体运行”(6卷)出版的400周年,但由于当时
那天下午,我和邻居美美在离家不远的一块积着厚厚的雪的平坝上,高高兴兴地堆着雪人。就在这时,我们发现村上的“驼背”爷爷不知道什么时候站在了我们身边,我和美美都被他吓了一大跳。  我看着“驼背”爷爷,笑着对他说:“爷爷,你什么时候来的呀?怎么不打声招呼就站在我们面前,看把我们俩吓得……”  “对不起了,丽丽姑娘,我想请你们俩帮我一个小忙,不晓得你们肯还是不肯?”  我看“驼背”爷爷说话有些上气不接下气
在德国的一个小村子里,有一家人很穷,住在矮的小房子里。爸爸在城里的工厂上班;妈妈为了家里能买得起糖和调味品,做些针线活和烤面包卖钱;小女儿莱蒂卡在村里的小学上学。 I