
来源 :水路运输文摘 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yan2541023
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一、水路交通投融资的特征 水路交通投融资的特征表现在以下几个方面: 1.水路交通投融资属于基础性产业的投融资。水路交通项目具有基础产业投资规模大、建设周期长、自然垄断性强、建成后对其他产业的产品需求量相对较小、其产品或劳务数量和价格变化对国民经济其他产业影响相对较大等特征,无论在投融资决策方式上,还是在投资资金筹措方式上,或是在投资资金使用方式上,具有基础性产业的投融资要求。
The aim of this research work was to explore psychrotrophic microbes from soil sample of NyAlesund, Svalbard, arctic region and to investigate their potential u
Genetically heterogenous mouse population served as the basis for experiment designed to select mice for the high levels of extrapolation ability. Extrapolation
Anfinsen’s thermodynamic hypothesis is reviewed and misunderstandings are clarified. It really should be called the thermodynamic principle of protein folding.
The digha is located at the border of West Bengal and Orissa state. It has both fresh and saline waterbodies rich in aquatic vegetation and several kinds of bir
全国共有260多家游艇制造公司,其中长三角占了30%。 2010年的世博会更是给长三角游艇业发展带来了前所未有的机会,越来越多的外商开始投资长三角的游艇俱乐部和游艇生产。目前
This work represents the extraction of oil with high free fatty acid content from spent bleaching earth using sub-critical water technology as a greener product